Michael ☕️ · @mcpinson
943 followers · 5158 posts · Server mas.to
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
690 followers · 37754 posts · Server schleuss.online
Andii אַנדִֽי · @Andii
295 followers · 3876 posts · Server mas.to

"when private property is refounded on the responsibility principle (or the labor theory of property) then a very different system emerges where firms are worker cooperatives (or similar workplace democracies) where people will appropriate the positive and negative fruits of their labor."
This is very intriguing.

#corporategreed #propertyrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
139 followers · 3169 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
145 followers · 3114 posts · Server troet.cafe

@Sandra Yes it would be nice to be able to uncouple and . However it is the dynamic within the world system whereby the richest 10% expect to be able to extract returns from their investment in extraction and use that makes this impossible.

Unless you make these investments worthless, which would mean a major undermining of the of the rich, you will not see a change in this dynamic.

#propertyrights #fossilfuel #capitalist #capitalism #climatecatastrophe

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris · @chris
250 followers · 41 posts · Server spook.social
U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
2770 followers · 2368 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Glenn · @nickgtv
2 followers · 33 posts · Server universeodon.com

ChatGPT prompt. Can the worlds five major religions justify laws? Here’s the gist: “In summary, while the world's major religions may allow for self-defense in certain situations, none of them explicitly endorse the concept of Stand Your Ground laws. The use of force must always be guided by principles of nonviolence, compassion, and proportionality.”

#standyourground #guns #propertyrights #religion #morals

Last updated 1 year ago

Zuri · @ZuriBella
549 followers · 854 posts · Server toot.community

It's funny to me when I hear about people who advocate for "property rights" when we stole land from Native people. The people who fight for "property rights" are the ones who bought everything cheap years ago & stop people from living in affordable homes now.

It makes me so sad.


Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
202 followers · 3460 posts · Server mstdn.jp

> The Madisonian principle, then, is that government.. must provide special and additional guarantees for the rights of one class of persons, property owners.
> Madison foresaw that the threat of democracy was likely to become more severe over time because of the increase in "the proportion of those who will labor under all the hardships of life, and secretly sigh for a more equal distribution...
as Principles

#madisonian #propertyrights #richguy #salamirights #usa #jamesmadison #madisonianism

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
202 followers · 3460 posts · Server mstdn.jp

> "Does this deserve ?”^1
> ..the first and foremost AI bias is its name. It induces analogies that have limited adherence to reality.. generates infinite speculations.. Because of this misconception.. we should drop [the name and].. adopt a more appropriate and scoped-limited terminology.. Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences.
^1 nymag.com/intelligencer/articl
^2 blog.quintarelli.it/2019/11/le

#propertyrights #salamiai #aisalami #stefanoquintarelli #ai #humanrights #salami

Last updated 1 year ago

162 followers · 13 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@salad_bar_breath Agreed.

What I dislike the most about these discussions is that everyone generally involved in them is trapped in a liberal mindset.

Unless I speak up, it is rare even for self described to point out the fundamental purpose of the state is to use violence to enforce contracts, specifically as it relates to so-called .

The purpose of the state itself is to perpetuate and defend capitalism, and even when the social democrats use the power of the state to reign in the worst excesses of capitalism -- not only is it temporary (because the power is not crushed), it actually serves to stabilize the system itself.

So, even "big government" types like social democrats serve an important purpose under capitalism and the state, which is to help balance out the power in such a way as to try and keep the system stable.

It makes the right leaning liberals (proto-) and left leaning () both fundamentally in different ways -- they are reacting to the problems of , but coming to different conclusions on how to address it, without actually challenging the underlying system itself. For the right wing reactionaries, they target and blame minorities, and for the left leaning reactionaries they target and blame "the wealthy, greedy, corrupt ." (Failing to realize, of course, that it is impossible for a to act any differently than they do -- it's like being angry at a wolf for eating a lamb. It's just what wolves do.)

It's one of the reasons it is important for people to develop a proper mindset.

#socialists #socialdemocrats #capitalism #fascists #liberals #corporations #propertyrights #capitalist #reactionary #corporation #socialist

Last updated 1 year ago

Loki Luck III · @LokiLuck3
50 followers · 607 posts · Server brighteon.social
Mark Gardner ‍🤑 · @mjgardner
474 followers · 1935 posts · Server social.sdf.org

Another story of private entities gaming wealth redistribution. Once a government has compromised its citizens’ , we’re left with ever-disappearing opportunities to succeed based on effort and voluntary trade. The laws that should protect us become weapons for grafters and parasites.

You don’t solve this with more economic controls. You solve this by getting the government out of the economy altogether.


#propertyrights #capitalism #laissezfaire #economics

Last updated 2 years ago

Rhombus Ticks · @rticks
620 followers · 4881 posts · Server universeodon.com

Window Fucker (n): A freakish demihuman able to assume regular human form that cares more about property values than actual human life. Frequent associate of and asset to sociopaths, psychopaths and fascists

#riots #windowfucker #property #propertyrights #libertarianism

Last updated 2 years ago

Antti Peltola · @anttipeltola
53 followers · 786 posts · Server mastodon.world
Antti Peltola · @anttipeltola
21 followers · 153 posts · Server mastodon.world
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
111 followers · 4195 posts · Server schleuss.online
HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
806 followers · 390 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Property is a social relationship—an agreement about the use and disposition of stuff.

Beyond what you can grasp in your own hands, everything you own is by agreement with other people who could, but don’t, take for themselves the things you’ve claimed.

Wealth is a subset of property, a social relationship of *command.* Wealth is the social ability to command and compel other people to bring you things you want or labor for you at your direction.

If wealth is a relationship of command, then poverty, its inverse, is the state of being subject to command.


#Property #poverty #wealth #capitalism #anticapitalism #propertyrights #PrivateProperty

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
102 followers · 3815 posts · Server schleuss.online