Anyone else remember sometime after 9/11 when it came out that someone in the Pentagon was feeding the media catchphrases to use on certain days?
Wish I could find that again.
#mainstreammedia #psychologicalinfluence #propganda
Die 350km Strecke in #Taiwan wurden 2007 in Betrieb genommen. Dieses Filmchen unterschlägt dies komplett. Dies, die Hintergrundmusik und die Betonung des enormen Ausbaus vom Netz in #China (dass die China-eigenen HSRs ein Mix aus ICE und Shinkansen und kreative Kopien sind, muss hier nicht explizit erwähnt werden) machen dieses Filmchen in meinen Augen zu Peking-#Propganda-Müll.
Sehr empfehlenswertes Video:
#gwup #propganda #psiram #amadeuantonio
Sehr empfehlenswertes Video:
#gwup #propganda #psiram #amadeuantonio
#gwup #propganda #psiram #amadeuantonio
Remarkably this study that contradicts the #CCP #propganda by estimating five times as many #Covid19 infections in Wuhan alone than what Beijing has communicated for all of #China has been conducted by China's #CDC.
They based their estimate on a sample of 34'000 inhabitants of #Wuhan and other cities in the surrounding #Hubei province that they tested for antibodies.
#ccp #propganda #COVID19 #china #cdc #wuhan #hubei
Bloody hell: #CarrieLam blames the current issues in #HongKong on «national security threats due to foreign interference» and refers to the #PRC as the motherland - that is unfiltered #propganda drivel with Chinese characteristics.
At least she is right in calling the #NewSecurityLaw imposed by #China remarkably efficient: it really is the most efficient way to show that the #onestatetwosystems framework is worthless rubbish. #Taiwan has gotten the message. #FarEast
#carrielam #hongkong #prc #propganda #NewSecurityLaw #china #onestatetwosystems #taiwan #fareast
In #Putin's Soviet #Russia, patients do not die from #Covid19. They rather die from defective made-in-Russia #respirators that have now been recalled due to the danger of short circuits causing fires. The output of the factory producing these respirators (also sent to #Italy and the #UnitedStates as part of a #propganda show) has been increased tenfold in spring. No wonder the quality and reliability suffers - and now this kills people. Go search for «Awenta-M» for the full story. #Coronavirus
#putin #russia #COVID19 #respirators #italy #unitedstates #propganda #Coronavirus
The same Bruce #Aylward said at a press conference back in February that if he were to get #Covid19, he'd want to be treated in #China.
So he likes hospitals running at 150% of their capacities and caregivers working their arses off until they collapse (or get sick themselves)?
Seriously, this man is in no way credible to advance global health. He's a #propganda trumpet of #Zhongnanhai. He's everything that is wrong with the heavily biased and pro-CCP #WHO. #Coronavirus
#Aylward #COVID19 #china #propganda #zhongnanhai #who #Coronavirus