Geek alert. My new Mastodon pal @submono just sent me a link to this video demonstrating the EchoFix EF-X2. We have just ordered the rack mount version for our studio and for live use with @suzy's Sequential Prophet V. #TapeEcho #Music #Artist #Sequential #EchoFix #Musician #Guitar #FX ©Guitar #ProphetV
#tapeecho #music #artist #sequential #echofix #musician #guitar #fx #prophetv
Writing new music with @suzystarlite #MOOG #Matriarch #Minitaur #Sequential #Tempest #ProphetV #StarliteOne #SupertoneRecords #Studi #Analogue
#analogue #studi #supertonerecords #starliteone #prophetv #tempest #sequential #Minitaur #matriarch #moog
Here starts the journey with the Sequential ProphetV!!
I’m like a kid in a sweet shop! It’s so much fun and the sounds are incredible…
#Sequential #Synthesiser #ProphetV #Supertone #RecordingStudio #electronic #music #StarliteOne
#starliteone #music #electronic #recordingstudio #Supertone #prophetv #synthesiser #sequential