Alrighty, with a 5 minute spin, everything works, patches are there, looks good, yay!
#Sequential #ProphetX #Synthesizer
#sequential #prophetx #synthesizer
Old motherboard on the left
New motherboard on the right
#sequential #prophetx #synthesizer
Inside the #Sequential #ProphetX #Synthesizer
#sequential #prophetx #synthesizer
Replacing the motherboard and power supply on my #Sequential #ProphetX #Synthesizer today...
Some kind of design flaw that bricks the machine when the CR2032 coin battery goes dead. It's out of warranty, and the final cost will only be $25. I opted to do the repair myself because it's much easier and less expensive than shipping this puppy to California.
I think the hardest part is keeping track of the screws...
#sequential #prophetx #synthesizer #synthesizers
#Synthesizer porn
Sequential Prophet X
My favorite synth. It doesn't dive as deep into digital #Synthesis as my #WaldorfQuantum & it's not quite the analog sequencer beast my #SequentialPro3SE, but versatility of 2 tradish digital oscillators combined with 2 sample instruments is unmatched. Synths, Pianos, drums, the list of instruments is endless...
#Sequential #ProphetX #SequentialProphetX #Music #Electronic #Experimental #Ambient #Cinematic #Drone #Industrial
#synthesizer #synthesis #waldorfquantum #sequentialpro3se #sequential #prophetx #sequentialprophetx #music #electronic #experimental #ambient #cinematic #drone #industrial
My #1 most downloaded & streamed track!
Shiny Objects - Like most of my music -so far- evolving & generative #synthesizers.
Put some good headphones on & turn up the volume!
99%+ generated from Sequential & Waldorf hardware synthesizers. There are no software synthesizers & very little drum rack.
#Sequential #ProphetX
#Waldorf #Quantum
#Sequential #Pro3SE
Recorded in #Ableton Live
#Music #Electronic #Experimental #Ambient #Cinematic #Drone #Industrial
#synthesizers #sequential #prophetx #waldorf #quantum #pro3se #ableton #music #electronic #experimental #ambient #cinematic #drone #industrial
My 3 synths. Waldorf Quantum, Sequential Prophet X, & Sequential Pro 3. (Pro 2 has been sold)
#Waldorf #Quantum #Sequential #ProphetX #Pro3 #Synthesizers #Experimental #Ambient #Industrial #Drone
#waldorf #quantum #sequential #prophetx #pro3 #synthesizers #experimental #ambient #industrial #drone