Self-publishing News: Amazon (eventually) Tackles Latest Fake Books Scam #AmazonJaneFriedman #InternetArchive #OpenLibrary #NewsWeekly #Prosecraft #Shaxpir
#amazonjanefriedman #internetarchive #openlibrary #newsweekly #prosecraft #shaxpir
Stories about #AI, #GenerativeAudio, #GenerativeBooks, Jane Friedman #brandjacking experiences, #GenerativeAgents, #NPCs #GenerativeBucketLists from #söka, Benji Smith #prosecraft and much more!
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#shownotes for @gamesatwork_biz #podcast e428 are done, and publication set for tomorrow on and all your favorite podcast feeds! Topics this week include #AI, #GenerativeAudio, #GenerativeBooks, Jane Friedman’s author experiences, #GenerativeAgents, #NPCs #GenerativeBucketLists from @soka Benji Smith’s #prosecraft and much more! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
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This TechDirt article was written by someone who has zero understanding of IP, theft, writing, or AI training.
First, the #Prosecraft fucker stole the content he fed his AI.
Second, the 'tool' doesn't help writers find their voice, it just puts numeric values on things it doesn't really understand.
Dear lord, we are so fucked when these are the people 'speaking for the consumer' on technology.
I didn't even hear about this tool. Unfortunately now I'm only hearing about it after it was sunk. What a shame.
The tool in question was Prosecraft. It was capable of linguistic analysis of works of...well, anything, I guess, but it was really geared towards literature.
It could find the most "passive" section of text, for example. Might be useful if you wanted to improve that.
Alas, it's gone now.
Gizmodo: Fiction Analytics Site Prosecraft Shut Down After Author Backlash #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #copyright #indradas #fairuse #chatgpt #openai
#generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #copyright #indradas #fairuse #chatgpt #openai
#Prosecraft did the harvesting, purportedly for "literary analysis"; meanwhile, those texts were used to "train" an AI service (shaxpir) to produce writing "in the style of your favorite author".
That's why him taking prosecraft offline doesn't do much for the intellectual property theft if he still has the data.
It's in the thread.
Report the theft if #Prosecraft listed your books.
Link mentioned in the image:
Gizmodo: Fiction Analytics Site Prosecraft Shut Down After Author Backlash #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #indradas #chatgpt #openai #ebook
#generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #indradas #chatgpt #openai #ebook
Here's the link to the weird ass and self-serving "you are mean to me" blog post; keep in mind that he may have taken #Prosecraft down, but he *still has the data* that he fed to whatever AI he was using.
This isn't over just because the website is offline right now.
PSA: ICYMI, some technobro grabbed 25K books and fed them to an AI to do 'literary analysis' and when called out did the faux, "but it's a public service, you should be honored" then backtracking with, "email me if you want me to pull your book" and now escalating to, "I'm taking the whole site down because you are all ungrateful idiots" (paraphrasing)
See thread:
He tried La Nora!
#IndieAuthors #Prosecraft
This is good advice:
So this dude @benjismith made an #AI scraping website called #Prosecraft to "analyse" books and train his writing AI. Of course without consent.
Link to #twitter , sorry
#FuckAI #writingcommunity
Some people already contacted their lawyers.
#ai #prosecraft #twitter #fuckai #writingcommunity