#Watch this vid of one decent cop trying to defend an innocent citizen from her own partner - who is a black cop, trying to defend/justify illegal actions by an off duty cop who assaulted a citizen for dropping a bag of candy in front of his home, by accident, while walking with his family. #Listen to the audio exchanges.
#AuditThePolice #PoliceReform #ProsecuteThePolice #MakeCopsAccountable #FireBadCops #StripPolicePensions #NoIntegrity #NoHonour #unethical
#watch #listen #auditthepolice #policereform #prosecutethepolice #makecopsaccountable #firebadcops #strippolicepensions #nointegrity #nohonour #unethical
I stopped trusting cops at age 14. That's whem I first witnessed dirty cops sniffing cocaine with gangsters & do fist bumps all night. They loved all the young girls that were vulnerable & they abused many teen girls.
They used & abused their badge powers.
Straight fucking up. #ProsecuteThePolice
@paulpeace This is one of my fave #AntiPolice #FuckThePolice #ACAB #music tracks. #PIGS - #CypressHill
#90sMusic #Hiphop #CorporateMercenaries #DefundThePolice #ProsecuteThePolice #MusicFromMyYouth #activistMusic #FuckCops
#antipolice #fuckthepolice #acab #music #pigs #cypresshill #90smusic #hiphop #corporatemercenaries #DefundThePolice #prosecutethepolice #musicfrommyyouth #activistmusic #fuckcops
Tyre Nichols death: white officer’s belated suspension raises questions
"Major Karen Rudolph of #Memphis police announced on Monday that the white officer in question, Preston Hemphill, was placed on desk duty on 8 January, a day after Nichols – who is Black – was beaten by #police and two days before he died."
#ACAB #BashTheBlue #FTP #NoJusticeNoPeace #ProsecuteThePolice
#memphis #police #acab #bashtheblue #ftp #prosecutethepolice #nojusticenopeace
Here's some absolute garbage coverage of an MLK Day March by Channel 25 Boston. It's unsurprising that it's bad since it's news coverage of a protest, though, and honestly it's a great case study of everything wrong with the way both police brutality and mass actions typically get covered. May as well make an example of it! I urge you to read on if this phenomenon is new to you, to see how the media can twist these things.
First off, there's zero audio or text from the protest: the only words are those of the news writer and anchor. None of the 10 demands of the march are mentioned, even though they were detailed on a handy flyer that they were handing out and also published on the Mass Action Against Police Brutality website (http://www.maapb.org/). We don't get a clear view of any of the signs or banners. They didn't cover the speeches at the beginning or end. And they don't even share the notable and heartbreaking fact that the late Terrence Coleman's mother was present or that she spoke, along with bereaved folks from all up and down the East Coast who've lost family members to police brutality and who also spoke.
How about the words Channel 25 does use, then, while talking over the black man with the megaphone on MLK Day? Here's the print version in its entirety, emphasis mine, which is almost verbatim what's said in the video version: "Mass Action Against Police Brutality organized a march protesting against police violence in Boston and Cambridge. The display came after **THE RECENT DEATH** of Sayed Faisal. Faisal **WAS KILLED** after Cambridge police received a 911 call that a man jumped out a window with a large knife. When **THEY GOT** to the scene, **THEY SAY** 20-year-old Faisal refused to put down the weapon and charged at police. Faisal’s friends say he was having a **MENTAL HEALTH EPISODE** and did not have a history of **VIOLENCE**. Protesters today marched three miles from **THE SOUTH END** down Mass Ave across to Cambridge ending at the site where Faisal was killed."
Every sentence except the first is misleading. Notice how that passive voice - "the recent death of Sayed Faisal", "Faisal was killed" - lets the police off the hook for killing him? Because there's no question that they killed him, even they'll admit that—just not that it was murder. Now notice how they take the cops' word for it that Faisal charged them with a knife? Because there were other witnesses who say that there was no knife and that the police shot without provocation. (Also, note the lack of comment on two armed & armored cowards shooting a man with a knife, I guess nominally 'in self defense'.) How about the way it presents Faisal's mental health as a possible cause for his (killer-)alleged 'violence', stigmatizing mental health (in direct opposition to the goals of the March) without even questioning the fact that armed police were dispatched instead of mental health assistance (another of the March's well-documented demands)? Or more subtly, look at that turn in the fourth sentence at "When they got to the scene": our focus is meant to shift to seeing the cops as the subjects instead of the victims or the protesters, while an intentionally vague "they" sits in conflict with a final "at police", obscuring the fact that these are the same entity and making it sound like this statement is undisputed fact (which it absolutely is not, hence the protest).
And finally, let's look at that last sentence, the only one to discuss the actual events of the march. It says we started at "the South End", but the march very intentionally and specifically began at Peters Park, which organizers are trying to get renamed to Terrence Coleman Park in honor of a 2016 victim of police brutality. Why is that omission important? Because it makes obvious the thing that Channel 25 is trying to blur over early on by saying the protest "came after" a recent police killing—that this protest has been planned since before Faisal's murder, that it's part of a decades-long struggle, that Faisal is far from the first victim or the only one for whom we were marching.
So, yeah. Six sentences and 37 seconds of video, when the **flyers the marshalls were handing out** had 10 demands written on them and the march lasted hours and walked for miles. And in those six sentences, Channel 25 News 1) fails to cover the content of the march, 2) fails to provide any context or history important to the events, 3) directly parrots the cops' story as fact despite police lies and violence being the core of the protest, and 4) spits on the mentally ill in the process.
This is America.
#whosestreetsourstreets #prosecutethepolice
#whosestreetsourstreets #prosecutethepolice