#GivenAChoice: Salaam, 49, was leading challengers in the #Democratic race for the 9th District as of Wednesday morning, with 50% of the vote, according to unofficial #election night results from the New York City Board of Elections.
#prosecutorialmisconduct #ExoneratedFive
#givenachoice #democratic #election #prosecutorialmisconduct #exoneratedfive #WhenTheySeeUs #abolishtheprisons #abolishthepolice
#timparlatore played them all-he resigned & came on all networks claiming high ground on his resignation frm Trump's legal team...then on day of Trump's arraignment, every network has him on & he's allowed to yammer on & on abt #prosecutorialmisconduct, denigrate #JackSmith, attack #JudgeHowell, claim converstions betw Corcoran & DT weren't a crime (Trump told him to get rid of any damning docs, ffs-a GD crime), ??s the original search warrant & of course, Hillary Hillary yada yada. #MediaPlayed
#timparlatore #prosecutorialmisconduct #jacksmith #judgehowell #mediaplayed
Find someone who loves you as much as cops and prosecutors love junk science. https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courts
Great story by @ProPublica
#MassIncarceration #CriminalJustice #ProsecutorialMisconduct
#prosecutorialmisconduct #criminaljustice #massincarceration