sheepchase · @sheepchase
175 followers · 1713 posts · Server

Re last boost, I STRONGLY recommend you read this article if you can get access to it:

“Proselytism as Epistemic Violence: A Jewish Approach to the Ethics of Religious Persuasion”

#mazeldon #jewdiverse #proselytism #babka

Last updated 2 years ago

sheepchase · @sheepchase
169 followers · 1465 posts · Server

! Much of my was unfortunately taken up with health stuff but:

- Loved participating in service last night!
- Streamed this morning’s Shabbat service from New Zealand (could only watch half as I had to get ready for the hospital but it was nice)
- Read a *little* of Harry’s book

And read a fabulous paper by Samuel Lebens, “Proselytism as Epistemic Violence: A Jewish Approach to the Ethics of Religious Persuasion”

#shavuatov #shabbat #erevshabbat #teamharry #proselytismisviolence #proselytism

Last updated 2 years ago

Mathew Inkson :sickos1: · @imathew
173 followers · 217 posts · Server

Welcome to everyone migrating to from Europe! A few hints:

are called - sharing them to the Federated timeline is like nailing them to a church door in Wittenberg.
are kind of like , but not really.
is called .

Some features you're used to have been excluded by design, eg. newcomers have been surprised that they can't burn heretics at the stake. While it can encourage recantation, it's more often used to hurt people.

Finally, you don't have to publish in Latin, but consider using a for any religious

#mastodon #Reformation #theses #toots #parishes #instances #excommunication #defederation #cw #proselytism

Last updated 2 years ago