Fran Kostella · @fran_kostella
50 followers · 524 posts · Server

A few times a week, someone posts about some problems in harsh members of their church. Inevitably, some dude feels obligated to tell them they are stupid for believing in “spirits” or something. Like that ever helps. 🙄

My block list is now nearly entirely made up of these dudes. I see it as a form of and I block proselytizers from any religion, be they Christian, Bhuddist, or Atheist. Those are the only three I’ve encountered here so far. Maybe Communist should be in the list? 🤷


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Lamke · @crlamke
229 followers · 97 posts · Server
Jewish Conversations · @JewishConversations
334 followers · 35 posts · Server

Self-titled Jewitches and Kohenet priestesses have been trying to convert Jewish people away from Judaism to paganism. This has been condemned by mainstream denominations of . However, some younger , unaware of how deceptive these groups are, have joined, just as some Jews were persuaded to join 'Jews for Jesus.' We thus present a resource to share with your national and local Jewish leadership and teachers.



#jews #hebrewschool #proselytizing #judaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Friendly Atheist:
<<A recent Associated Press article talked about Lyft drivers who see their work as “mobile Christian ministries.” It's not just bad behavior. It's potentially dangerous.>>

As a progressive Southerner, I've lauded multifaith efforts. Gotta reframe, huh?

#secular #fundies #fundamentalistchristians #uspol #Christendom #hegemony #proselytizing #captiveaudience #rideshare #gigeconomy #carculture

Last updated 2 years ago

Ray Straighter :verified: · @RayStraighter
328 followers · 707 posts · Server

of children with the intention of out of them an unquestioning belief in the teachings of their ignorant ancestors' ridiculous is . That's why I always pre-apologize to the and other dimwits I throw off my porch. Please stop skullfucking these people! Don't involve ME in their destruction. Please.

#indoctrination #parentshaming #religions #childabuse #Mormons #proselytizing

Last updated 2 years ago

Ray Straighter :verified: · @RayStraighter
266 followers · 784 posts · Server

Congratulations to the trooph warriors who took time to swing by the house TWICE yesterday to brag about having believed every stupid thing their parents drooled into their tender, all-believing ears. And the timing! Y'all interrupted the end of TWO exciting football games. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like watching pro football, but I REALLY don't like sanctimony. This decided today he's getting a dog. The dog'll probably thank you.

Anyone know what makes dogs bite?

#proselytizing #atheist

Last updated 2 years ago

jrfjr · @jrfjr
5 followers · 32 posts · Server