Early morning #neurodivergence thought:
All discussions I’ve heard about #prosopagnosia seem to state or assume that the condition relates to an impairment the brainʼs facial recognition functions.
This is similar to the argument (pretty well demonstrated afaik) that #ADHD (or ADHD-PH if you prefer) relates to an impairment in the area of the brain responsible for executive functions.
#psychology #adhd #prosopagnosia #neurodivergence
I was baffled when I found out, Carl Weathers (you know, the guy who played Lando Calrissian) also plays guitar in the Blues Brothers movie.
Yes, I'm face blind, why do you ask?
Some of us have problem with identifying faces. I think the man is Anthony Perkins, but I haven't a scoobies who the woman is. I imagine it's supposed to be important.
Not that I expect you to care, but just letting you know that I have no idea what your post is meant to say.
#trump #mugshots #prosopagnosia #faceblind
I have a couple of other - differences, I don't call them problems. I have #Prosopagnosia and #Aphantasia.
Yes, I can hear myself speak as I'm deciding what to type next.
If The Beloved™ asks me how to spell a word, I can hear the letters spelled out as I tell her.
I only recently discovered that there are people who can close their eyes and "see" an object.
There isn't a fine line between "normal" and "neurodivergent" - it's a big, fat, drawn in crayon, blurry line.
Good advice. It can also help people like me. I'm face blind, so if people post photos of celebrities or politicians, I have no idea who it is.
#blind #accessibility #alttext #faceblind #prosopagnosia
Funny old world, isn't it?
I've never been able to recognise people, including one of my sisters, and, early in our relationship, The Beloved™ who agreed later on to marry me.
But. I was at a reunion event a couple of days ago. A chap who was sat at our table looked familiar somehow. I spoke with him afterwards, he was who I thought he was, we served together 38 years ago, and I've never seen him since.
Funny old world, isn't it?
No increased prevalence of #prosopagnosia in #aphantasia: Visual recognition deficits are small and not restricted to faces https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03010066231180712
For your consideration.
Why would the defence crowd not want her? 🤔
Who knew there were 40K+ (minus bots) who find smarmy charming.
#prosopagnosia #carymango #blackwomentoldyou
Short TV documentary (in German) featuring our work
on Developmental #Prosopagnosia:
holy fu**ing shit another #autistic trait i found out i got https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27GDprxr4d4 #prosopagnosia
Vinker entusiastisk til en gammel bekjent, og vedkommende ser bistert på meg og går videre uten å hilse. 😳
Jaja. Kanskje enda litt mer #prosopagnosia enn jeg har?
#denfolelsen #sutretut #prosopagnosia
It is Autism Awareness etc. Month! To celebrate Ye Olde Blogge is publishing an autism-themed post once a week for the month.
This week it reviews research into the relationship between face blindness and autism and possible treatments. It is an interesting alternative to looking at autism and goes deeper than your average awareness article does.
#Autism #AutismAwareness #Prosopagnosia #FaceBlindness
Understanding Autism by Studying Prosopagnosia or Face Blindness
#autism #autismawareness #prosopagnosia #faceblindness
Been thinking about how we perceive the world. I've got #prosopagnosia - 'functional but impaired' is how my level was described; I can learn to recognise people but it's instant with some and can take repeated interactions with others - and I seem to have some related difficulties, one of which is recognising places. If I walk through a square on holiday, I'll recognise it *if we enter it again through the same street*.
How Common Is Face Blindness?
Study suggests condition affects more people than previously thought
I think the way my friend Nate's portrait/word art illustrations look is something like how I interpret faces (I am faceblind). I look at a face, but I get an "impression" of the person, and a strong sense of face shape, rather than being able to discern any specific feature/s.
#actuallyautistic #prosopagnosia
@takeoutweight @left_adjoint Sounds like me. I can visualize the shape of the missing word, places I've seen it recently, people who have used it, what it means... I just can't get the proper sequence of letters. And then maybe ten minutes later when I've forgotten why I needed it, it just pops into my brain. A generalization of #Prosopagnosia I guess - just can't get the name...
@BZBrainz @actuallyautistic I've not been formally diagnosed with prosopagnosia, but I''ve definitely got it going on. I've cluelessly walked past people I've known for 20 years on the street more than once.#faceblind #faceblindness #prosopagnosia
#faceblind #faceblindness #prosopagnosia
New Yorker: Watching Films While Face-Blind https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/watching-films-while-face-blind #NewYorker #Culture/CultureDesk #Prosopagnosia #Blindness #Movies #Faces
#newyorker #Culture #prosopagnosia #blindness #Movies #faces
Today, a man approached me in the street, well clad, kind smile, somewhat familiar face. I wondered whether he was a colleague. He wasn't, just asking for a lighter for his cigarette. #prosopagnosia