While looking for biographic information on the individuals in my #Strathclyde research project I found this amazing portrait of the Bisdom family… one of the sons in the portrait is a member of the #59men.
#genealogy #familyhistory #geneadons #histodons #prosopography #ercamsterdam
#strathclyde #59men #Genealogy #familyhistory #geneadons #histodons #prosopography #ercamsterdam
If my idea for the final project in the #Strathclyde postgraduate diploma program is accepted, I need to do #genealogy research on 59 men, who were officer in the English Reformed Church in #Amsterdam between 1700 and 1764. I am looking forward to it! Actually, I cannot wait to start... perhaps I can do some preparations during summer break?
#ERCAmsterdam #prosopography #history #churchhistory #thesis
#strathclyde #Genealogy #amsterdam #ercamsterdam #prosopography #history #churchhistory #thesis
After several meetings on DH #infrastructure (e.g. how to organise shared access to GPU-clusters?), supervising two #PhD candidates (on #distantviewing #Newsreels and on interdisciplinary #digitalScholarlyEditions, preparing for a presentation on #srmanticweb and #regesta if #medieval #charters (#diplomaticsrulez), teaching #Persona methods to a DH course on the example of #endangeredlanguages #digitalarchives and conversion of book #indices into #factoid #prosopography I finally conclude my #dayofdh2023 #dayofdh with bottle of beer ...
#infrastructure #PhD #distantviewing #newsreels #digitalScholarlyEditions #srmanticweb #regesta #medieval #charters #diplomaticsrulez #persona #endangeredlanguages #digitalarchives #indices #factoid #prosopography #dayofdh2023 #dayofdh
The search for "John of Nicaea": adventures in Byzantine prosopography
John of Nicaea is not known to the World-Wide Web. A search for this author, whom I mentioned in my last post, was quite futile. So I began to think about how I might find someone from the 9th or 11-12th century, potentially. The CPG ends around the time of John Damascene,...
#John of Nicaea #Prosopography
I've been enjoying 'The Granddaughters of Edward III' by #KathrynWarner, thanks to a review copy from #NetGalley. Two queens, several scandals, descendants with competing claims leading to the #WarsOfTheRoses. Many history books focus on half the population; examining what we know of the women provides new perspective. 🧵 1/
#NewBook #medieval #biography #prosopography #MedievalWomen #14thCentury #15thCentury #medievodons @medievodons #GranddaughtersOfEdwardIII
#kathrynwarner #netgalley #WarsOfTheRoses #newbook #medieval #biography #prosopography #medievalwomen #14thcentury #15thcentury #medievodons #granddaughtersofedwardiii
@JubalBarca - yay! Happy to see you here! ^_^
I read your guest blog from last December and loved it! Just looked it up again to share here as well:
#digitalhumanities #gaming #medievalists #prosopography
Digital #Prosopography of the #RomanRepublic
#romanrepublic #prosopography #KnowledgeGraph #rdf
Who were the Normans?
James Baillie of Universität Wien explains how he is using digital tools and prosopography - the student of human networks - to understand the medieval kingdom of Georgia.
This is of interest to Scifi authors trying to create a political structure for their galactic empires
#prosopography #galacticempire #scifi
Good evening :fediverse: ! In tonight's edition of #ConnectionList (thx @mattcen for the tip around CamelCaps for screenreaders, you're an awesome #a11y) #connection #introduction, I'd like you to meet:
@jarich is amazing - they are a #programmer #dev and one of the most resilient people I know. Always kinds, gentle and thoughtful 🇦🇺
@mabyes is into #geosciences and #ML for #hydrology. They (not assuming pronouns) are new to #Mastodon, say hello! 👋
@ko is an import from 🇸🇪 - and I suspect they (don't want to assume pronouns) like #fika as much as @forslund :-) KO is into #bikes #boats #photography and #music 👋
@alisoncroggon is a #poet #novelist #critic and #writer 🇺🇸
@onsman is also a #writer, a #technical writer who works in the #web #webdev and #digital #a11y space 🇦🇺
Dr @shanebattye is a specialist #pathologist based in #Naarm #Melbourne who likes #lego, #roblox and #history 🇦🇺
@raena is incredible - she's a #drupalista and a #knitter and I once went on a #yarn crawl with her in Melbs and it was heaps fun! 🧶
@JubalBarca is a #historian and #digitalhumanities Scholar, doing a #Phd on medieval Georgian #prosopography. I had to look up what that is - it's the study of individuals in a particular context. Thanks for enlightening me!
@missemilielib is an #academic #librarian at Swinburne, and they (not assuming pronouns) manage the Swinburne #research bank. Into #openaccess #scholarlycomms #GLAM #ausglam
That's all for now - share your own #ConnectionList ❤️
#connectionlist #a11y #connection #introduction #programmer #dev #geosciences #ml #hydrology #mastodon #fika #bikes #boats #photography #music #poet #novelist #critic #writer #technical #web #webdev #digital #pathologist #naarm #melbourne #lego #roblox #history #drupalista #knitter #yarn #historian #digitalhumanities #phd #prosopography #academic #librarian #research #openaccess #scholarlycomms #glam #ausglam
Hello, here's my #Introduction.
Research mainly focused on #prosopography & social #networks of military service, esp. 14th cent England: patterns of recruitment; character of #armies & #warfare across Europe & beyond. Recently applying these methods to the #maritime sphere: England’s merchant fleet & #naval forces during the 100 Years War. Plan to return to: the place of #battle in the fabric of late medieval warfare, and perhaps also to medieval #Hungary. For broader interests, see bio above.
#hungary #battle #naval #maritime #warfare #armies #networks #prosopography #introduction