In den 1930er Jahren wussten Appeaser um Bedrohung durch den Faschismus, ignorierten sie aber.
Heute ist Bedrohung die #Klimakrise, und wieder haben wir Appeaser.
Die Appeaser von heute unterscheiden sich kaum von denen von 1940.
#AlanRusbridger in #ProspectMagazine
#KlimaKrise #AlanRUSBRIDGER #prospectmagazine
In the 1930s the appeasers knew about the threat of fascism, but chose to ignore it.
Today the threat is the #ClimateCrisis - and once again we have appeasers.
Not much differentiates the appeasers of today from the ones of 1940.
#AlanRusbridger in #ProspectMagazine
#ClimateCrisis #AlanRUSBRIDGER #prospectmagazine
How did the comedian, actor and political provocateur of the early 2010s become an influential voice among the alt right? Sarah Manavis—who profiled Russell Brand for the most recent issue of Prospect—joins Ellen Halliday to delve into his conspiratorial world.
#RussellBrand #ConspiracyTheorists #ProspectMagazine #FarRight #AltRight
#russellbrand #conspiracytheorists #prospectmagazine #farright #altright #podcast