Re 🌱 Sustainability-related #disclosure is sometimes included in advertisements but not in #prospectuses themselves
this disclosure should be included in prospectuses if it is material under the Prospectus Regulation!4KTG9T
#disclosure #prospectuses #SustainableFinanceEU
#Prospectuses admitted to trading in 🇪🇺 can be challenging for readers - documents may contain substantial repetition of text, broken links, generic & imprecise risk factors, or unclear language regarding the availability of working capital.
#ESMA study -!dwqdqg
2/2 Key findings:
〰️ NCAs generally scrutinise #prospectuses in a satisfactory manner
〰️ notion of additional criteria that NCAs may apply during the scrutiny process lacks clarity
〰️ efficiency improvements in respect of some NCAs’ approval processes