U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
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automattack · @automattack
76 followers · 426 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This may sound goofy, but I'm looking for some political t-shirts to wear on stage when my band performs (it feels like the very least I can do). For the past decade, I've been wearing a shirt that says "believe survivors of sexual assault" - I want to add others into the rotation.

Some topics or causes I am into:
* protect trans kids / trans rights
* something anti-fascist
* something anti-racist (I think "black lives matter" is good, is there something else?)
* something about protecting abortion rights

Designs should be relatively easy to read from a distance. Bonus points if the shirt is made/sold by a member of the community it's representing/uplifting (e.g. a "protect trans kids" shirt is made by a trans person). Also more bonus points if the shirts are not the athletic "slim fit" - I'm old and kinda big.

I've found a few things on Etsy, but honestly, most of the designs don't appeal to me. What are some other sources?

#fashion #blacklivesmatter #protecttransyouth #ProtectTransKids #protectabortionrights #fucknsbm #AntiRacist #antifascist #antiracistaction #antifascistaction #StopCopCity #stopsupportingracistbands

Last updated 1 year ago