Whole Families get sick
Kids can't go to school

A chain of consequences

⬆️ Disability
⬆️ Death

RT @LucyofL@twitter.com

Gov thought Covid could be erased by ditching testing, isolation & extended sick pay.

But their cunning plan overlooked one key detail:

Covid makes us sick!

So sick (for many) we CANT work
& typically for at least a week (each time we get it) twitter.com/_mbdr_/status/1613

🐦🔗: twitter.com/LucyofL/status/161

#airbornetransmission #protectallchildren

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @jvipondmd@twitter.com

"Every citizen must send (leaders) a signal that we refuse to surrender to an immune evasive virus. And that the prospect of massive ill health of our children is not acceptable collateral damage.

The pandemic will not end until we collectively act."

🐦🔗: twitter.com/jvipondmd/status/1


Last updated 2 years ago