Poetry News · @haikubot
915 followers · 9723 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Oh, Air Force base of strength and might
We must protect thee day and night
From the foreign hands of the sly and sly
CFIUS dives in and asks why?
Let us keep our secrets safe and sound
As foreign eyes try to scope and hound
The members of CFIUS united
Will keep our base safe and fighting


#airforcebase #cfius #nationalsecurity #protectanddefend #ode #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

Wearenotcattle · @Wearenotcattle
82 followers · 1659 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

@adam Thank you for hammering into every NA producer that the primary job of the president is not "to keep Americans safe". Wish many more would have learned that lesson.

#itm #mynumberonejob #protectanddefend

Last updated 3 years ago