Çocuklarınızın görüntülerini sosyal mecralarda paylaşmayın #telekom #protectchildren
@PeterRu I agree. Preventing "legalized" #StatutoryRape seems like a more appropriate way to #ProtectChildren than #Censoring #FreeSpeech #online so that all #OnlineSpeech is #ChildAppropriate.
#statutoryrape #protectchildren #censoring #freespeech #online #onlinespeech #childappropriate
Covid deaths
For nurses
An industrial disease
And what about kids & teachers
in schools
#LongCovid must be recognised. Can be a disabling event.
#ProtectChildren & #ProtectYoungPeople
Government responsibility
#LongCovid #protectchildren #protectyoungpeople
What are State legislatures doing to #ProtectChildren in their State? Republicans push a State Supremacy ideology but #GOPFail to act for their citizens, their children. From abuse at private, religious schools, to rape/incest, to child porn, to etc
Republican priorities in State Legislatures are screwed up!
RT @TaliShapiro@twitter.com
Celebrities, artists, culture & educational workers, musicians, between the bombings, street executions, abductions, incarcerations, beatings, & torture, Israel's record of child abuse is one of the worst in the world (https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/07/12/un-chief-leaves-child-rights-violators-list-shame).
#ProtectChildren, #boycottIsrael!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaliShapiro/status/1594676975674720257
#protectchildren #boycottisrael
Denmark, Wales, Holland, Belgium, England, France, Switzerland, and Germany won't be playing with a rainbow Captain's tie at the world cup in Qatar. Fifa says it'll have consequences if they don't carry Fifa's own messages. They are admirable in their own right, e.g. #Savetheplanet #ProtectChildren #NoDiscrimination. But it's still disappointing that #OneLove won't be allowed at the World Cup.
#savetheplanet #protectchildren #nodiscrimination #onelove
RT @CleanAirClassrm@twitter.com
@cv_cev@twitter.com @H_S_E@twitter.com @CMO_England@twitter.com @uksciencechief@twitter.com What ever happened to
#PublicHealth ?
No one should be left behind
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleanAirClassrm/status/1594319534726389760
#protectthemostvulnerable #protectchildren #publichealth
Spanking in the home? More than 64% chance there is intimate partner violence in the home. Care providers, social workers, doctors and others should be aware of these findings. #parenting #domesticViolence #socialwork #protectChildren #childrenneedadvocates https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/10/221007085731.htm
#childrenneedadvocates #protectchildren #socialwork #domesticviolence #parenting
"Magical Thinking" Client-Side Scanning w/Not Protect Children... But w/Completely Subvert Encryption + Destroy App/OS Trust
#News #Security #encryption #crypto #cybersecurity #Infosec
#ClientSideScanning #NationalSecurity #ProtectKids #ProtectChildren
#news #security #encryption #crypto #cybersecurity #infosec #ClientSideScanning #nationalsecurity #ProtectKids #protectchildren