Dominique Laboureix's speech at the Press Breakfast, 25 April 2023 🇪🇺☕️🥐➡️
#PromotingFinancialStability #ProtectingTaxpayers 🫂
#promotingfinancialstability #protectingtaxpayers
On the future @EU_SRB➡️
🔷Testing and checking that the resolution plans actually work in realistic simulations
🔷Having on-site inspections on bank premises
🔷Continuing with our day to day work on making sure all of our banks are resolvable
#ProtectingTaxpayers 🫂
🙏@EU_SRB Key milestones this year:
✅We have put in place resolution plans for all our banks
✅The #SRF will reach its target amount at the end of this year
✅Banks are reaching the target date for the implementation of our Expectations for Banks
#Protectingtaxpayers 🫂
🥐☕️#SRBPressBreakfast kicking off with @EU_SRB Dominique Laboureix, Tuija Taos, Sebastiano Laviola
🇪🇺💶 “AT1s have a role to play in a resolution decision”
#promotingfinancialstability #protectingtaxpayers #endingtbtf #cmdi #bankingunion
#SRBPressbreakfast #promotingfinancialstability #protectingtaxpayers #endingTBTF #CMDI #BankingUnion