@KiriAllan e te Tuahine. I hope you will stand in solidarity with Ngati Awa Mataatua whanui on Dec 5-7, Whakatane to protect our ancient urupa Opihi Whanaungakore resting place of our tupuna Toroa & Wairaka. Return these lands back to Ngati Awa. #protectopihiwhanaungakore #Maori #maoritwits #aotearoa #nztwits #nz
#nz #NZTwits #aotearoa #maoritwits #Maori #protectopihiwhanaungakore
@KiriAllan e te Tuahine. I hope you will stand in solidarity with Ngati Awa Mataatua whanui on Dec 5-7, Whakatane to protect our ancient urupa Opihi Whanaungakore resting place of our tupuna Toroa & Wairaka. Return these lands back to Ngati Awa. #protectopihiwhanaungakore