Happy 88th Birthday, Social Security!
Too bad Republicans are trying to keep you from reaching 90. They want to phase it out and cut benefits we EARNED, leaving vulnerable Americans impoverished.
There’s only one sure way to #ProtectSocialSecurity. ELECT DEMOCRATS.
#protectsocialsecurity #voteblue
Happy 88th Birthday, Social Security!
Too bad Republicans are trying to keep you from having an 89th. They want to phase it out and cut benefits we EARNED, leaving vulnerable Americans impoverished.
Shame on us if we allow it.
There’s only one way to #ProtectSocialSecurity. ELECT DEMOCRATS.
#protectsocialsecurity #voteblue
@RBReich@twitter.com says: "This is a fight that Inequality Media was made for, but we're running out of time, and we need your help to ramp up our campaign right now."
East coast guy landlocked in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. Left-of-center Interested in following honest, unbiased reporters, bloggers, and journalists with unique insights and perspectives on today's politic landscape.
#protectsocialsecurity #savemedicare