I smacked the shit out of this asshole that was sexually harassing me at the party last night and then like ten minutes later shit gets even gnarlier when this other dude takes the asshole down right in front of me so I dug my heels into his temple. Twas fucking magical
#protecttranswomen #protecttransgirls #transrights
#transrights #protecttransgirls #protecttranswomen
look, i'm a librarian! *pretends to be a librarian, uploads music* :abunhdhappy:
#LeTigre #TurnItUp #FeministFury #Revolution #TransWomenAreWomen #Queer #RiotGrrrl #Techno #Punk #JinJiyanAzadi #WomenLifeFreedom #GirlPower #ProtectBlackWomen #ProtectTransWomen #SayHerName #SayTheirNames #BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #AntiHate #QueerJoy #QueerRage #QueerPride #QueerWrath
#LeTigre #turnitup #feministfury #Revolution #transwomenarewomen #queer #riotgrrrl #techno #punk #jinjiyanazadi #WomenLifeFreedom #girlpower #ProtectBlackWomen #protecttranswomen #sayhername #saytheirnames #blacklivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #antihate #queerjoy #queerrage #queerpride #queerwrath
RT @ConMijente@twitter.com
This response is heinous AF: Corey Price, field office director at ICE says "This is yet another unfortunate example of an individual who illegally enters the United States with an untreated, unscreened medical condition” #abolishICE #ProtectTransWomen https://nbcnews.to/2QIT9uJ
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ConMijente/status/1136376387105886208
#abolishice #protecttranswomen