Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meghan Markle Accused of 'Faking' Podcast Interviews—But Is It Really a Scandal? #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharrydukeofsussex #meghanduchessofsussex #sarahjessicaparker #wallstreetjournal #sylvesterstallone #kimoraleesimmons #houseofwindsor #allisonyarrow #protestantism #meghanmarkle #kimcattrall #christians #beberexha #spotify #markle #actors
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharrydukeofsussex #meghanduchessofsussex #sarahjessicaparker #wallstreetjournal #sylvesterstallone #kimoraleesimmons #houseofwindsor #allisonyarrow #protestantism #MeghanMarkle #kimcattrall #christians #beberexha #spotify #markle #actors
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Southern Baptists Vote to Expel Churches With Women Pastors #Jezebel #southernbaptistconventionconservativeresurgence #sexualabusescandalinsouthernbaptistchurches #conservatismintheunitedstates #southernbaptistconvention #southernbaptists #evangelicalism #religionbelief #augustageorgia #protestantism #jaredwoodfill #christianity #paulpressler #socialissues
#jezebel #southernbaptistconventionconservativeresurgence #sexualabusescandalinsouthernbaptistchurches #conservatismintheunitedstates #southernbaptistconvention #southernbaptists #evangelicalism #religionbelief #augustageorgia #protestantism #jaredwoodfill #Christianity #paulpressler #socialissues
Katharine Cleland's study of clandestine marriage in Irregular Unions: Clandestine Marriage in Early Modern English Literature enhances readers' understanding of such marriage by showing its literary importance. #History #EnglishLiterature #Marriage #Protestantism #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #protestantism #marriage #englishliterature #History
In the #Lutheran #liturgy (at least how it is written in #Alsace), we do not sing the Alleluia and the Gloria during #Lent.
And it makes absolutely no sense to me.
#lutheran #liturgy #alsace #lent #lutheranism #protestantism
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Judge Rules Meghan Markle Has the Right to Identify As an Only Child #Jezebel #familyofmeghan2cduchessofsussex #americanpeopleofgermandescent #charleneedwardshoneywell #meghan2cduchessofsussex #o2ctheoprahmagazine #jennifercoolidge #gwynethpaltrow #samanthamarkle #houseofwindsor #protestantism #humaninterest #meghanmarkle #thomasmarkle #marklefamily #adamsandler
#jezebel #familyofmeghan2cduchessofsussex #americanpeopleofgermandescent #charleneedwardshoneywell #meghan2cduchessofsussex #o2ctheoprahmagazine #jennifercoolidge #gwynethpaltrow #samanthamarkle #houseofwindsor #protestantism #humaninterest #MeghanMarkle #thomasmarkle #marklefamily #adamsandler
#unitedmethodistchurch #UMC #globalmethodistchurch #GMC #disaffiliation #schism #christianity #protestantism #Methodist #methodists #Methodism #Wesleyan
#wesleyan #methodism #methodists #Methodist #protestantism #christianity #schism #disaffiliation #gmc #globalmethodistchurch #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry on Twitter: "As French historian Michel Pastoureau points out, Protestant morality is hostile to color, and the Reformation was a very literal darkening of the world." / Twitter
#PEGobry #reformation #protestantism #decoration #colour
@George Have you written your conversion story somewhere? Is there anything you miss from your old denomination?
This is quill propaganda. A broadside from 1617 Germany, showing #Luther using a giant quill that not only runs though the head of the Pope Leo X. (symbolized as a lion, Leo in Latin) and kicks down the tiara of the same Pope but also symbolically produces smaller quills - for his followers to write new histories of #Protestantism. Eat this, Catholic symbolism. #bookhistory #histodons
Access the print:
And yes, this Luther is already in a meme:
#luther #protestantism #bookhistory #histodons
Evolutionary #geneticist: “Race is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in science”
#Folktaxonomy #Sheilanightingale #NinaJablonski #paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #Culture #culturalstudies
#folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist
#crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #anthropology #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #fundamentalism #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #divideandconquer #skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity ##bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #IndigenousStories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #jomokenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #kwamenkrumah #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #whitesavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #pagan #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #1923 #1883 #6666 #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwelltrial #GhislaineMaxwell
#geneticist #folktaxonomy #sheilanightingale #ninajablonski #Paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #culture #culturalstudies #folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist #crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #DivideAndConquer #Skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity #bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #indigenousstories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #JomoKenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #KWAMENKRUMAH #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #WhiteSavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #Septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #Slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #GhislaineMaxwell
“Defenestrations of Prague,” oil on board. After the burning of Jan Hus by the Roman Catholic Church in 1415, Hus’s followers (Hussites) in Prague defenestrated many Roman Catholics with whom they had religious and political disputes. #history #europeanhistory #czechrepublic #czechhistory #middleages #medieval #medievalhistory #defenestration #prague #religion #romancatholicchurch #church #protestantism #hussites #janhus #oilpainting
#history #europeanhistory #czechrepublic #czechhistory #middleages #medieval #medievalhistory #defenestration #prague #religion #romancatholicchurch #church #protestantism #hussites #janhus #oilpainting
“Defenestrations of Prague,” oil on board. After the burning of Jan Hus by the Roman Catholic Church in 1415, Hus’s followers (Hussites) in Prague defenestrated many Roman Catholics with whom they had religious and political disputes. #history #europeanhistory #czechrepublic #czechhistory #middleages #medieval #medievalhistory #defenestration #prague #religion #romancatholicchurch #church #protestantism #hussites #janhus #oilpainting
#history #europeanhistory #czechrepublic #czechhistory #middleages #medieval #medievalhistory #defenestration #prague #religion #romancatholicchurch #church #protestantism #hussites #janhus #oilpainting
In the last issue of #DiaRegno, the journal of Protestant esperantists appeared a very interesting article on the prayer for the dead.
En la lasta numero de “Dia Regno”, la revuo de la protestantaj esperantistoj, aperis interesegan artikolon pri la preĝado por la mortintoj.
#diaregno #esperanto #theology #protestantism
In the last issue of #DiaRegno, the journal of Protestant esperantists appeared a very interesting article on the prayer for the dead.
En la lasta numero de “Dia Regno”, la revuo de la protestantaj esperantistoj, aperis interesegan artikolon pri la preĝado por la mortintoj.
#diaregno #esperanto #theology #protestantism
I think an ecclesiastical collar could be useful (for when I can't wear the pastoral dress but want to be recognized), but I wouldn't know where to buy one or how to wear it 😅. It's not traditional for Protestants here in France. We even call it “the Roman collar”.
Tyler Perry Reveals How he Became Lilibet’s Godfather in Harry & Meghan | #americanpeopleofgermandescent #meghan2cduchessofsussex #houseofwindsor #protestantism #humaninterest #harrymeghan #tylerperry #christians #lilibet #netflix #meghan #actors #harry #lili
#americanpeopleofgermandescent #meghan2cduchessofsussex #houseofwindsor #protestantism #humaninterest #harrymeghan #tylerperry #christians #lilibet #netflix #meghan #actors #harry #lili
Has anyone written any good books in the last ten years or so on the ways that [low church] #Protestantism has changed in the last half century?
I thought it was kinda weird growing up when I first saw evangelicals practicing Lent. Now I see folks referencing prayers with their Latin names and blessing pets on St. Francis's Day and posting for Christ the King Sunday--stuff that would have been the worst papistry in the Protestantism I grew up in.
#protestantism #christianity #evangelicalism #protestant
Has anyone written any good books in the last ten years or so on the ways that [low church] #Protestantism has changed in the last half century?
I thought it was kinda weird growing up when I first saw evengelicals practicing Lent. Now I see folks referencing prayers with their Latin names and blessing pets on St. Francis's Day and posting for Christ the King Sunday--stuff that would have been the worst papistry in the Protestantism I grew up in.
#protestantism #christianity #evangelicalism #protestant
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry To Receive Human Rights Award Days Ahead Of Explosive New Netflix Series | #americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharry2cdukeofsussex #meghan2cduchessofsussex #entertainment2cculture #volodymyrzelensky #robertfkennedy #houseofwindsor #bankofamerica #brianmoynihan #protestantism #humaninterest #meghanmarkle #billrussell #harrymeghan #christians #frankbaker #hopegala #actors
#americanpeopleofgermandescent #princeharry2cdukeofsussex #meghan2cduchessofsussex #entertainment2cculture #volodymyrzelensky #robertfkennedy #houseofwindsor #bankofamerica #brianmoynihan #protestantism #humaninterest #meghanmarkle #billrussell #harrymeghan #christians #frankbaker #hopegala #actors
In class today, #football / #soccer, #protestantism, #immigration and #Labor #history in mid-20th-century #Toronto.
Excerpt from Smyth, Toronto, the Belfast of Canada.
@histodons #histodons #LabourHistory #LaborHistory #TradeUnionHistory #HistoryOfReligion #CdnHist
#cdnhist #historyofreligion #tradeunionhistory #laborhistory #labourhistory #histodons #toronto #history #labor #immigration #protestantism #soccer #football