Francastles✌ · @Francastles
206 followers · 1258 posts · Server

très déçu de l'intelligence du vivre ensemble
Aucun scandale n'est à déplorer
Même pas ****** Un********** signalement 🙃
Les et et tous les se sont réunis tous dans un même lieu de la république laïque qu'on appelle l'école
Ils se sont respectés dans leur mixité, leur différence, leur espoir, leur paroles
Et ils emmerdent ce gouvernement
Enfin du moins je l'espère 😅

#gouvernement #cathos #musulmans #protestants #juifs #athees #boudhistes #autres #abaya #kimono #coiffebretonne

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
240 followers · 1623 posts · Server

How blasphemy laws haunt Pakistan’s financially oppressed Christians

Christians and other religious minorities make up a mere 4% of Pakistan’s population, but they account for about half of blasphemy charges.

#pakistan #blasphemy #christians #Hindus #minorities #law #oppression #christianity #protestants #stateviolence

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Chambers · @paul
1579 followers · 7590 posts · Server

AI ? Hundreds attend service at a convention of generated by .

The artificial intelligence asked believers in a fully packed church to rise from the pews and praise the Lord then commenced to preach.

The avatar, personified as a bearded Black man on a huge screen above the altar, had an expressionless face and monotonous voice. Its use of platitudes in deadpan voice that drew some laughter as it preached.

#religion #church #protestants #chatgpt #chatbot #lutheran

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
262 followers · 3546 posts · Server


Mijn oma ging na het overlijden van mijn opa naar een , 74 jaar oud, waar zij nog 11 jaar woonde. Bezoekjes aan haar waren soms .

Oma was zéér , dus toen mijn broer kwam vertellen dat hij een vriendinnetje had kreeg hij een .

Oma had al vroeg een kleuren TV en die stond bovenop een koelkastje in haar woonkamer in het . Als dat koelkastje aansloeg, viel de TV uit. Oma kende de remedie: . dan zet je....(2)

#bejaardenhuis #preek #protestants #katholiek #Hilarisch #bejaardentehuis

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bob · @drrjv
238 followers · 1722 posts · Server

First the , then the and now this 😤
Are there any untainted religions? Bizarre!

"The has apologized for kissing a young boy on the lips and asking him to "suck my tongue" after a video of the incident sparked outrage on .

The 87-year-old priest "regrets the incident" and wishes to apologize to "the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused"

#catholics #protestants #dalailama #socialmedia #buddhist

Last updated 2 years ago

The European Network · @TheEuropeanNetwork
2100 followers · 1200 posts · Server

In Belfast, the walls between Catholics and Protestants still stand.

Built at the beginning of the civil war, the separations between communities have survived after the Good Friday Agreement treaty that brought peace to Northern Ireland, 25 years ago today.

#gfa #GoodFridayagreement #protestants #catholics #Belfast #NorthernIreland #Ireland

Last updated 2 years ago

Etienne Snyman · @etsnyman
4 followers · 17 posts · Server

The was nothing more than a period of (still ongoing for many denominations). Why are so scared of it? Scared that we'll find YOU doing something bad too?

#Reformation #deconstruction #evangelical #protestants #theology #christianity #church

Last updated 2 years ago

Ashlee · @cluesandcontext
247 followers · 133 posts · Server

Has anyone done research on the broad theological underpinnings of Protestant anti-urbanism? I have specific historical details for the lecture I am writing, but the professor wants an overview of the theology as well but I am not a theologian so I am at a loss as to what to search for. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. @histodons

#histodons #religiousstudies #theology #antiurbanism #protestants

Last updated 2 years ago

MDMRN · @mdmrn
674 followers · 3777 posts · Server

I've seen a recent trend from certain conservative / aggressively online to make memes about Protestants being triggered by overtly phrases being part of everyday vernacular (ex. Rest in Peace, Hail Mary).

I'm going to speak on behalf of all : We're not & don't actually care.

#catholics #catholic #english #protestants #justsaying

Last updated 2 years ago

Upstart Crow · @UpstartCrow
502 followers · 978 posts · Server

, mainline , , and contributed to Franklin D. 's coalition.[313] During the New Deal era, President Roosevelt appealed to notions of charity.[314] In explaining his philosophy, he said: "I am a Christian and a Democrat".[314]

#blackchurches #protestants #evangelicals #catholics #roosevelt #newdeal #christian

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's reflection:

In the USA, we have a who is a serious . This is not a very big deal, in comparison to all the fuss in the 1960 election, when many had their knickers in a twist. They feared that John Kennedy would take orders from the .

What are your thoughts about this? I have a hypothesis...


#sociologyofreligion #President #romancatholic #protestants #pope #uspolitics #USpol #potus #joebiden

Last updated 2 years ago

Infrapink (he/his/him) · @Infrapink
92 followers · 953 posts · Server

The Churches never adopted the Gregorian calendar (except in ). While Orthodox-majority countries use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes, many still use the for religious purposes. You have probably heard about celebrating and on different dates to those of and ; this is because the Ukrainian Orthodox Church still uses the Julian Calendar (for now).

#easternorthodox #finland #JulianCalendar #Ukrainianrefugees #easter #christmas #catholics #protestants

Last updated 2 years ago

jdmccafferty · @jdmccafferty
767 followers · 2234 posts · Server

31 Dec 1384: d. John Wyclif theologian days after a stroke at the elevation of the Host. He was later claimed as proto-reformer by 16th century (BM)

#otd #protestants #english

Last updated 2 years ago

PC · @PChoate
134 followers · 629 posts · Server

One of my favorite historical religious events is the aka the .

After the allowed mass distribution of the in common language, and religious became common. In the mid rose up against all the pervasive and church wealth. They stormed churches throughout the , tearing down idols.

#histodon #iconoclasm #holyromanempire #idolatry #catholic #protestants #16thcentury #polemics #tracts #bible #printingpress #iconoclasticfury #Beeldenstorm

Last updated 2 years ago

Lucus Levy Keppel · @Raveler1
19 followers · 39 posts · Server

I came across this mention of a in the - well, technically it's extrabibilcal (outside the canon) for , but the church includes it - so, precedent exists!

From I Clement 25:
Let us consider that wonderful sign [of the resurrection] which takes place in Eastern lands, that is, in Arabia and the countries round about. There is a certain bird which is called a phoenix. This is the only one of its kind, and lives five hundred years."

#phoenix #bible #protestants #coptic

Last updated 2 years ago

Why You Should Be Worried About the Split in the Church... are splitting up over issues. In the 1840s, it was that opened a rift.

#methodist #protestants #lgbtq #slavery

Last updated 2 years ago

Des louanges pour Adrien Aracil, docteur en histoire ! 🎓🍾😊

Histoire d’une liberté dans la France moderne. Protestants, politique et monarchie (v. 1598 - v. 1629)

Jury : Caroline Callard, Denis Crouzet (dir.), Sylvie Daubresse, Hugues Daussy, Naïma Ghermani, Christian Jouhaud, Nicolas Le Roux

#histodon #histoiremoderne #protestants #catholiques #XVIe #XVIIe #ÉditdeNantes #HenriIV #louisXIII #earlymodernhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

ML Victouron-Got · @mlvictouron
8 followers · 7 posts · Server

"Les dans la et l' (1801-1905)". Lire en ligne cette excellente thèse de Michel Mazet.

#protestants #drome #ardeche #genealogie #ancetres

Last updated 2 years ago

David Luebke ✅ · @davidluebke
83 followers · 38 posts · Server

Pleased and proud to announce the publication of a great new book on the , "Passionate Peace: Emotions and Religious Coexistence in Later Sixteenth-Century Augsburg," by Sean Dunwoody. The author argues that the and of sixteenth-century Augsburg learned to live together by developing “emotional practices” that kept conflict over religion manageable.
@historians @histodons

#reformation #protestants #catholics

Last updated 2 years ago

Bob Harvey · @BobHarvey
8 followers · 30 posts · Server

Been really enjoying lectures by Prof Alec Ryrie - unfortunately YouTube does not queue them up in sequence. is the first of a recent series on the English Reformation. See also his talks on atheism, martyrs, etc.

See also

Really recommended.

Curious whether @PadreSJ has come across him too.

#lectures #historyofideas #history #english #Reformation #protestants

Last updated 2 years ago