Nando161 · @nando161
818 followers · 36647 posts · Server

Masked arrive to hold a press conference the killing of three of their comrades by forces in the city of , February 10, 2022. (Photo: Shadi Jara'ah/APA Images) :antifa_100:

#palestinian #militants #protesting #israeli #westbank #nablus

Last updated 1 year ago

Nonilex · @Nonilex
643 followers · 2540 posts · Server
Daniel M. Reck · @DanielMReck
50 followers · 262 posts · Server

, in honor of 's fine for , why not 2500SEK ($240US) so your don't have to grow up in a fueled hellscape?



Hopefully has some spare change, since is crushed by . We want a utopia for our , not a / lifetime crossover event.

#tlou #madmax #children #StarTrek #debt #genz #geny #genx #USA #sweden #climatechange #carbon #grandkids #donate #fossilfuels #protesting #gretathunberg #OKBoomer

Last updated 1 year ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
861 followers · 8894 posts · Server

At the Proms, a shocker they found
When two protesters rushed in with a bound
But they quickly got jeers
From the riled up peers
As their message was drowned out by the sound.

#bbcproms #juststopoil #protesting #limerick #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

And as long as we let them.

There is no shortage of people that know what's going on. Its not enough just to know, though.

Let people in your community know you are not having it. You are not going to contribute to it. You are prepared to , and do, if you must.

Then work on building the alternatives while actively .

People who know but hide away and don't do anything are the worst kinds of people — in the same realm as the .

#withdrawyourlabour #protesting #perpetrators

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
634 followers · 30885 posts · Server

"If you ask a when was great, many would say "when it was ".

And if you remind them that then, they'll usually try to cover their asses by saying "except for that".

But slavery is not some minor fluke. If it's to , , , , and black , and if the actively assist in that, and if who tries to rescue the goes to , and if it keeps happening because the of the bothers more people than the violence that they're against, then no decent is going to care how "great" it is otherwise. That's not something that can be overlooked.

Also, that level of violence never happens by accident. Slavery was not a fluke. Slavery happened because it was . The was working exactly as intended, and it still is."

:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:

#conservative #america #founded #slavery #existed #legal #kidnap #traffic #torture #rape #murder #people #police #anyone #victims #jail #violence #protesters #protesting #person #profitable #system

Last updated 1 year ago

I use :vim: · @asteroidrainfall
77 followers · 964 posts · Server
SmokeInFog · @smokeinfog
0 followers · 49 posts · Server

This seems relevant toward in :

Protests Don't Need To Be Civil - SOME MORE NEWS

"Hi. In today's episode, we look at the constant calls for 'civility' during any protest movement and examine why those in power always criticize protesters for not doing it 'the right way.'"

#StopCopCity #atlanta #atl #protest #protesting #civility #somemorenews

Last updated 1 year ago

papercliff · @papercliff
2816 followers · 1659 posts · Server
Steven Heywood · @Stevenheywood
326 followers · 1390 posts · Server

Don't think these powers can only be applied to people you don't like. There is nothing whatsoever stopping somebody from applying them to you and yours. Campaign to have cars slow down in front of a school? You're in the frame. Carrying a bike lock to lock up your bike? You too. Piss off a policeman in his civilian life? He can stop and search you whenever he likes. Or abuse any one of his other new vaguely-defined powers.

#PolicingAct #protesting

Last updated 2 years ago

M van Appeven · @MAppeven
39 followers · 1732 posts · Server
· @Gatewaybeast
60 followers · 10392 posts · Server
Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
945 followers · 53973 posts · Server

@kaia I find their actions to be wasted resources and counterproductive.

As in "Pissing off on aka. certainly will convince them of something..." - stupidity.

Their actions will only be used to any other and won't even affect the in politricks and economy to even fake to give a f**k...

And that IS the problem...

#decisionmakers #protesting #criminalize #commute #unpaidlabour #wageworkers

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1397 followers · 14958 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1384 followers · 14781 posts · Server

(James Demers is an who helped with the rally. - he said, has been running for 5 years without problems.
“This is a impact,” suggested Demers. “These people are looking for community, they found it over COVID and we have become the target.”)

#activist #readingwithroyalty #PostCovid #protesting #calgary #alberta #lgbtq #humanrights #stopbigotry #canada #DragStoryTime #lovebeatshate #kindnessbeatscruelty

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1665 followers · 816 posts · Server

@princesaballena @atatassault @atomic @kimlockhartga @Gdac

I don't see most people being willing or able to . And I don't see bringing about ANY real positive change. Violence makes a look bad, which is why groups like demand their do not engage or be drawn into ANY violence.

The folks who can't afford to miss a rent payment definitely can't afford any jail time or criminal record. And most people are happy to peacefully, but will gladly turn in any agitators in their midst.

Violence plays into the hands of the and builds UP the rhetoric of the other side, giving it validity in the eyes of its followers.

requires patience, but it never fails in the long run.

The tyrants always fall... always.

#riot #riots #protestmovement #marchforourlives #protestors #protest #peacefulprotest #mlk #pacifism #protests #protesting #activism #activistsofmastodon #activists #protestmovements #gandhi #gandhiji #mahatmaghandi #fascists #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
1008 followers · 3583 posts · Server

"Protesting is a form of direct democracy, but in America national policy is made of representative democracy."

Charles M. Blow, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto

#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #protesting #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
452 followers · 803 posts · Server

Taking cyberattacks seriously: the (likely) Albanian cyber aggression and the Iranian responsibility

There has been a great talking about the Republic of Iran during last years, starting from the stall of the nuclear deal, till the terrible and bloody of people the Ayatollahs’ regime.

But few are the comments on the Iranian responsibility for the cyber-State against , a North Treaty Organization () country.

Author : Annita Larissa Sciacovelli.

#islamic #repression #iranian #protesting #attacks #albania #atlantic #nato #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1607 followers · 672 posts · Server

@jwildeboer @AufstandLastGen

During the movement (after 1910), women would break windows to protest voting restrictions. Many of them used a small toffee hammer that they kept hidden inside their muffs and inside special discrete pockets they had sewn into their skirts. They would also use such pockets to hide rocks to throw at policemen.

However (and this is most relevant here), this failed to achieve their goals, and in fact alienated public support for their cause, setting the movement back considerably.

#suffragette #activism #protesting #protests #superglue #climate #climateprotest #climateprotestors #climateactivism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
460 followers · 17798 posts · Server

"Last week the energy in turned off the power to one of 's ministers' offices in with those the raising age, and this week they made the bills to low zero. They took power from the and gave it to the . This is what the fuck I'm talking about, we cannot let fiscal our to the extent that we that the only way to and shift the balance of power is by giving . The is showing the power it has by taking energy - literally power - from the and giving it to the poor. The rest of the $world should be taking "

#union #france #macron #solidarity #protesting #retirement #income #households #politicians #poor #capital #colonise #minds #think #redistribute #people #money #rich #notes

Last updated 2 years ago