Heavy-handed surveillance by a growing police state is far more British than any king, coronation, or crown. https://www.thecanary.co/uk/analysis/2023/05/05/state-surveillance-deepens-as-met-police-announce-the-use-of-facial-recognition-at-the-coronation/ #WearAMask #FuckThePopo #FuckTheKing #NotMyKing #BlackPieceOfPaper #Protest #ProtestLaw
#wearamask #fuckthepopo #fucktheking #notmyking #blackpieceofpaper #protest #protestlaw
The government has rushed through The Public order Bill to include tougher sentences for those arrested protesting, supposedly to protect the king’s coronation. #DemocracyMyArse #PublicOrderBill #ProtestLaw #Protest #CoronationProtest #KingsCoronation #FuckTheKing #NotMyKing #NotMyMonarchy
#democracymyarse #publicorderbill #protestlaw #protest #coronationprotest #kingscoronation #fucktheking #notmyking #notmymonarchy
Protesters to face jail for holding blank piece of paper... https://normalislandnews.substack.com/p/protesters-to-face-jail-for-holding?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email #NotMyKing #NotMyQuiche #FuckTheCoronation #AbolishTheMonarchy #Protest #ProtestLaw #ProtestIsOurHumanRight
#notmyking #notmyquiche #fuckthecoronation #abolishthemonarchy #protest #protestlaw #protestisourhumanright
UK Democracy?! Or is it Corporatocracy now?! It turns out, the judge who handed down the ridiculously draconian 3 year sentences to the two peaceful Just Stop Oil protesters, Shane Collery is (guess what?) an ex-equities trader from the city of London. Wealthy, privileged ex-bankers get to throw non-violent protesters into jail for years because they dare to disagree with the current corporate-run government.
#FreeTheDartfordTwo #JustStopOil #Protest #ProtestLaw #Dissent #LegalCorruption
#freethedartfordtwo #juststopoil #protest #protestlaw #dissent #legalcorruption
Leaving the ECHR would be problematic in many ways whilst we have a government intent on dragging us into right wing authoritarianism. https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2023/04/21/leaving-echr-would-club-uk-with-russia-and-belarus-foreign-secretary-warns/ #ECHR #Europe #HumanRights #HumanRightsLaw #RefugeesWelcome #Refugees #AssylumSeekers #ProtestLaw #Protest #Strike #Dissent #GoodFridayAgreement
#echr #europe #humanrights #humanrightslaw #refugeeswelcome #refugees #assylumseekers #protestlaw #protest #strike #dissent #goodfridayagreement