Dustin · @DigitalKrampus
48 followers · 683 posts · Server geekdom.social

The concept of encapsulation with the IP stack is somewhat confusing. Ideally, any upper layer protocol only prepends headers at the beginning of the payload given to the next lower layer. The lower layer breaks up the payload given to it as needed.

In practice, however, the IP Layer (upper layer) must be the one to fragment its packets based on the payload requirements of the Ethernet Layer (lower layer).

#networking #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

vp · @vpavlyshyn
68 followers · 447 posts · Server fosstodon.org

We need more domain-specific protocols to make data and operations interoperable. Common problems are the belief that protocols are not making money or common mistakes that protocol could be derived from the app. Short answer - no, it could not.
You are initially moving faster when ignoring standards and interoperability - it is a fact. At some point, you hit a glass wall of your app and data that are too app-specific or, even more fun app-version-specific.

#protocols #architecture

Last updated 1 year ago

While these particular in may not be successful. These particualr may not thrive in the end. Future generations may look at this time and draw serious inspiration just as the did in our of , and all those people at that time did, from their ancient

#experiments #freedom #open #protocols #americans #declaration #independence #roman #ancestors

Last updated 1 year ago

vp · @vpavlyshyn
66 followers · 434 posts · Server fosstodon.org

, , enforced by open standards and portable self-explaining and self contain data format and distributed data with meaning and context understandable for machines and humans. Together with data, we have interoperability of behavior that is achieved with that describe data, user roles, and expected behaviors.

#ssi #transparency #portability #interoperability #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
169 followers · 4177 posts · Server mindly.social

@RebeccaBredin @JEmphatically @staidwinnow

If you're saying the general public should stop relying on , walled-garden and instead use , and operated in a community-owned-and-operated way, then I am 10^6 percent behind you.

How you translate that into getting your friends off or your grandparents off is an entirely different problem, which may not be soluble.

#centralized #private #Services #open #federated #protocols #twitter #facebook #walledgarden #communityowned

Last updated 1 year ago

Juan Luis · @astrojuanlu
1409 followers · 2888 posts · Server social.juanlu.space

Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) basically dead - @manyver_se is working on a new protocol codenamed PPPPP[1], and Planetary pivots to Nostr[2]. Good to see evolution in this space.

[1]: manyver.se/blog/2023-04-05
[2]: nos.social/blog/pivoting-from-

#ssb #decentralized #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
685 followers · 36917 posts · Server schleuss.online
Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
272 followers · 1626 posts · Server mstdn.social

: What are the popular ? What are the advantages of each?


#protocols #Email #itbyte

Last updated 1 year ago

PR ☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻 · @peterrenshaw
362 followers · 1631 posts · Server ioc.exchange

“When they talked by phone, Mr. asked Mr. what Facebook was doing wrong. Given his distaste for powerful tech companies that exercise too much control over people’s internet experience, Mr. Masnick suggested that Mr. Zuckerberg consider .”

Techdirt from the late 90’s making a dent on the Internet

/ / vs <nytimes.com/2023/07/29/technol>

#zuckerberg #masnick #decentralizing #techdirt #internet #platform #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

Nemo_bis 🌈 · @nemobis
1111 followers · 4566 posts · Server mamot.fr

@brembs FLOSS is a necessary condition for the .

As for .io, the terms of use are very clear that it's proprietary protocols.io/terms, with some parts being CC-BY. To be properly forkable it would need
1) the website itself and its software to be freely licensed,
2) the database to be CC-0 (it's only metadata anyway),
3) data dumps to be published somewhere (at least PMC?).

@adam42smith @timolueke @RenkeSiems @rmounce

#righttofork #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

Sebastian Karcher · @adam42smith
643 followers · 781 posts · Server fediscience.org

@polka I don't think this will turn out as well with .io, but was bought and is part of Digital Science which used to be part of Nature & is now majority held by the same holding company as SN.

I have a preference for some of figshare's non-profit & FLOSS competitors (Zenodo, Dataverse), but I think it's fair to say they've kept doing what they were doing prior to acquisition, are doing it well, and overall benefit open science (they make $ by selling repos to institutions).

#figshare #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

Till Grallert · @tillgrallert
595 followers · 1831 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

I profess complete ignorance but what is the actual technical process, if any, that lurks behind the quotidian talk of “opening” emails?

it seems to me that the metaphor of the old mail of yore, envelop and all, doesn’t really apply here, or does it? There is no folded letter, no envelop, no seal, just a bitstream, parts of which might be encrypted. But nothing is technically “closed” to to be opened, or is it? Mail clients automatically scan each an every email upon arrival for indexing, spam detection etc. So why this insistence on “do not open” an email as a safety measure against all sorts of nefarious attacks?

#Interfaces #protocols #metaphor #email #open

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
667 followers · 34345 posts · Server schleuss.online

What is the difference between DApps and protocols? - Discover the contrasting functions of DApps and protocols in the ... - cointelegraph.com/news/differe .

#dapps #protocols #blockchain #decentralizedapplications

Last updated 1 year ago

kalfa · @kalfa
0 followers · 7 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk
petersuber · @petersuber
4489 followers · 1214 posts · Server fediscience.org

How often is intellectual property () an important obstacle to sharing research , , and ?

I suspect that many other obstacles are more common and troublesome. But for those cases where IP is an obstacle, here's a proposal to work around it.

#openprotocols #opendata #opencode #protocols #code #data #ip

Last updated 1 year ago

GÉANT · @geant
331 followers · 395 posts · Server mstdn.social

New unit available in our Network eAcademy: "Protocols: ".

Building on the datastore concepts in NETCONF, RESTCONF allows users to automate their infrastructure using familiar RESTful API patterns.

Read more & follow the unit 👉 connect.geant.org/2023/07/10/n

👤 Trainer: Aleksandra Dedinec – UKIM
🛤️ Part of the and track
⏳ Course duration: 2 hours

#training #networking #Education #Research #virtualisation #automation #orchestration #yang #protocols #integration #decoupling #network #restconf #learning

Last updated 1 year ago

Benoit Blanco from the Bronx🗿 · @feijoa
276 followers · 4017 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

I have used feeds loads since the days of Google Reader. When Google discontinued the product, I switched to Feedly (feedly.com/). RSS never went away - because it's incorporated transparently into blogging platforms, you can subscribe to loads of feeds. are magic.

#rss #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

vp · @vpavlyshyn
55 followers · 372 posts · Server fosstodon.org

We don't need another Twitter app based on Instagram identity with same pro russian community moderation.
Apps that fight for your time, attention and sell your data.
We need Self-Sovereign Social Network Protocols that set ground rules for self-organized and self-moderated communities. I want to take my social graph and audience with me and do something useful for this relationship. I want to unlock this relationship.
I belive more in

#noster #activepub #protocols

Last updated 1 year ago

Sal Rahman · @manlycoffee
82 followers · 1201 posts · Server techhub.social

I've worked at an actual monopoly before: Bridge Interactive, a Zillow company.

Zillow pretty much convinced the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) that all real estate boards should

1) move to a standardized data dictionary format, called RESO Data Dictionary (DD) and
2) move away from Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) and into a new data delivery protocol called OData

In a panicked frenzy, all real estate boards were looking for a vendor to convert their RETS feeds to an OData feed that is normalized to DD.

There was only one company doing this, and that was Bridge Interactive.

Now almost all real estate boards rely on Bridge Interactive to deliver real estate data.

And it's really hard for other players to come in, since there is going to be a lot of resistance from real estate boards.

Often times, these boards are run by senile people, and are generally resistant to change. Highly unlikely they'll switch to a new vendor.

#zillow #api #protocols #realestate

Last updated 1 year ago

Skullvalanche · @skullvalanche
155 followers · 1370 posts · Server gladtech.social

A while back I read an article about Bluesky which I found very informative... I wish I could find the link. I guess I'll just try to summarize it here instead, because I *think* it's also very relevant to the Threads model.

The hard/annoying part of running a social media service is moderation. Twitter has learned this, Meta has learned this, has learned this, etc. They don't want to be held responsible for what their users do on their platforms. All they wanna do is get eyeballs on their website so they can show ads and make money.

Google is the reigning champion of showing ads. They have shown that by being the place people go to *search* you can get those precious advertisement views without having to ultimately be responsible for the content that search leads to.

Bluesky (and now Meta) is going decentralized because they want to be the Search Engine of social media, without the moderation responsibility. If they can just index what's happening on a decentralized network of servers, then they can become "the Google of {Bluesky/ActivityPub}"

First movers in that business space are gonna have a huge leg up on competition. Bluesky is already well positioned to be *the* indexer of it's "AT" protocol.

There is no centralized search engine for ActivityPub... but Meta is now positioning itself to try to be that, by sheer volume. They don't need to worry about users leaving Threads to go to some other smaller ActivityPub instance, as long as that instance still federates with Threads. ... and let's face it, a Threads user is unlikely to jump ship to an instance which doesn't federate with Threads, because it would mean losing the ability to communicate with their former contacts.

#google #socialmedia #threads #meta #bluesky #protocols #search

Last updated 1 year ago