*sigh* Starting the MK4 build. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPackBuild #ProtonPack
#protonpack #protonpackbuild #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
I’m just going to wait for the MK4 of the QPack to completely release and start over again. Things broke during assembly. I rushed through some things. I’ll take my findings from the first round to make improvements on round 2. The only thing I will not be able to reuse are the stickers, so that’s a win. #ProtonPackBuild
Well flip. Afterlife sync gen on a GB1 motherboard. I also mixed and matched GB1, GB2, and Afterlife files, so nothing will line up without modification. What an expensive series of mistakes. #ProtonPackBuild
Well that’s not lining up… #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Plan is coming together. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Vac tube and ribbon cable in place! #3dprinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Working from home and this shows up so I get to play with it early. #ProtonPackBuild #ProtonPack
Nothing much to report. Just waiting on parts. The motherboard was ordered yesterday. Waiting on the ion arm end cap, cable clamp, vacuum hose, some strain relief, and lenses to show up. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
The cause of the boo boo is when I was screwing the elbow in, it shifted and started going in at an angle. When making the hole bigger, I did step up the hole’s size with different sized drill bits. Trying to correct the shift by drilling straight down caused more issues.
It made me realized that I should have bought the elbows first, measured them, and then made the M3 holes in the Q Pack models the size I needed. I’ll do that if I ever get the urge to make another.
Fixing one of my boo boos #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPackBuild #ProtonPack
#protonpack #protonpackbuild #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Definitely had some oh shit moments here. Like how did my hole get so far off center? I’ve used a drill before. Will have to print a part to cover my mess up on the filler tube. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Bellows painted and complete. I could not bring myself to spend north of $70 for a metal, movie accurate one, so I spent $8 in hardware, and used the washer method. #3DPrinting #3DPrinted #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinted #3dprinting
Using the washer method to make the bellows for the shock mount. Did I say that right? #ProtonPackBuild
Proton Pack Road Map
- Finish shell (Bellows, tubing, resistors, nuts and bolts)
- Order/install aluminum motherboard
- Order/install Alice frame
- Order/install lights and electronics
- Once pack is 100% then move on to wand. I will never finish the pack if I move on to the wand early.
- Flight suit has been decided on. I’m going court room casual. #ProtonPackBuild
Getting over my commitment issues and added some stickers. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted
Installed a real Clippard valve to the pack. A realistic one made from resin wouldn’t have saved me that much money.
Also finished the HGA.
Waiting for the Ion Arm end cap to arrive. Need to source a metal bellows that isn’t freaking expensive. Send help. #3DPrinted #3DPrinting #Ghostbusters #ProtonPack #ProtonPackBuild
#protonpackbuild #protonpack #ghostbusters #3dprinting #3dprinted