Okay, it was the obvious answer... user error. It does save them temporarily as recently used passwords under the email alias but it wasn't automatically creating logins. It was just adding the alias. Guess I have to make logins manually.
#Proton #ProtonPass
Good news, was really missing these options and will most likely use them over the browser extension:
Nowadays paid parking sometimes offers online payment as the only option to pay. While payment is done with credit card or whatever, they still ask for a valid email address. This makes no sense to me.
Great moment for #protonpass's alias function / @simplelogin to shine.
The place I am parking at, can know my credit card holder name since they could find out by looking up the car's number plate.
However, sharing an Email Address should not be part of paying anything IRL at all.
[...] aucun compte n'est créé dans l'application ! Du coup, on perd le mot de passe qu'on a créé, sauf à l'avoir copier au préalable dans un bloc note puis créer le compte. Je ne trouve ni pratique, ni ergonomique.
Donc pour moi, l'application n'est pas encore totalement mûre.
Donc points à améliorer :
- permettre de personnaliser les couleurs, la taille de la police, la taille de la fenêtre
- proposer d'afficher les données dans un onglet
#ProtonPass 4/x
@protonmail J'utilise Proton Pass depuis 2 bons mois et si l'application fonctionne correctement, il manque pour moi un certain nombre d'amélioration qui en feront une application qui rivalise avec Dashlane par exemple :
1- l'accessibillité pour les personnes mal voyantes est épouvantable ! ce choix de couleurs violets sur fond noir, si ça respecte la charte, même pour moi qui voit bien, c'est simplement insupportable. Un malvoyant ne pourra jamais utiliser Proton Pass pour ça.
#ProtonPass 1/x
Nutzt hier jemand Proton Pass?
Bin aktuell bei #Bitwarden aber #ProtonPass sieht sehr interessant aus, bin sowieso #ProtonMail Kunde.
Jemand Erfahrungsberichte zum teilen?
Sonst muss ich ins dunkle tappen ;)
#Datenschutz #passwort #passwortmanager #privavy #cloud #e2e #encryption
#encryption #e2e #cloud #privavy #passwortmanager #passwort #datenschutz #protonmail #protonpass #bitwarden
@protonmail just released Proton Pass. Taking it for a test ride. All goes well, bye bye #1Password
E que tal actualizar a palavra-passe para uma mais segura? 👌
Há também vários gestores de palavras-passe, como o Proton Pass da @protonmail, entre outros.
#protonpass on #android is nowhere near as intrusive as #lastpass and so far I have not had any problems.
I do have to mention that protonpass is very new and was just released a couple of months ago.
However it comes with this feature which looks like a very fun thing to use and makes this password manager stand out: https://proton.me/pass/aliases
#protonpass #android #lastpass
@realestninja How good is it at prefilling passwords on Android? I have been using Google for this because most of my passwords are not type-able and I don't want to make them type-able. #protonpass #android
#degoogle progress
For password management, I had already left #google in 2021. (Now it seems crazy to me to even store passwords at google 😵💫)
I used #lastpass because of their family system (where you can retrieve passwords of other family members if something happens)
However, lastpass was a very poor choice. I don't have to write why, the news is everywhere online. I definitely regret moving there.
A couple of weeks ago, I migrated my passwords to #protonpass
Super happy with it 🤘🏾
#degoogle #google #lastpass #protonpass
אגב, #Bitwarden מספקים גם שירות מנוהל, כך שהם אופציה טובה למי שלא רוצים כרגע לנהל בעצמם אבל שוקלים לעשות זאת בעתיד. אבל אם שירות מנוהל זה מה שאתה מחפש - #1password , #nordpass , #protonpass , אין באמת הבדל בעיני.
#אבטחה #אבטחת_מידע #מנהלי_סיסמאות
#bitwarden #1password #nordpass #protonpass #אבטחה #אבטחת_מידע #מנהלי_סיסמאות
Proton Pass may be a viable alternative to Bitwarden in the future #proton #protonpass #bitwarden
#proton #protonpass #bitwarden
Ich habe im @LinuxGuides Forum mal wieder etwas getestet.
Dieses mal habe ich #ProtonPass genauer angesehen und geprüft ob es für mich ein Ersatz von @1password sein kann.
ProtonPass ist ein Passwort Manager aus der schönen 🇨🇭 und ein Produkt von der Firma #proton die z.b. auch @protonmail entwickelt haben.
Mein Fazit ist durchwachsen, da es definitiv noch ein paar Stolpersteine gibt.. aber lest selber: https://forum.linuxguides.de/thread/3104-protonpass-im-ausf%C3%BChrlichen-test/
I see #ProtonPass is now available to all #Proton users. Lemme tell ya how bummed I was when #Bitwarden randomly stopped working and take all my passwords with it a couple months back. So this news really slaps! I’m all in. 👍🏻
#protonpass #proton #bitwarden
A replacement for #GoogleMaps might be a combination of different apps but I haven't looked into that too much yet.
#GoogleMail will be the final boss that has been feeding on me since 2004. I haven't decided which alternative to go for, but changing the email in tons of apps, onlineshops and services will be a huge pita. I might as well start using #protonpass at the same time and hand out proxy mail addresses 🤓
#degoogle #googlemaps #googlemail #protonpass
Kontext: Bin #1password-Nutzer, habe Apples Lösung mit der iOS17 Beta mal ausprobiert. Habe auch #ProtonPass ausprobiert, was auch ok ist, aber zum Beispiel ebenfalls "nur" auf den Geräte-Sperrcode zurückfällt, wenn Face/TouchID failt. Dass ProtonPass derzeit noch eine Safari-Extension fehlt ist (noch) ein weiterer Hinderungsgrund.
@dflag84 I have been a long-time Bitwarden user and have always loved it. Definitely made sure to still implement tracking blockers, but I've recently started a fresh migration to something even more awesome! I was sooo stoked when @protonvpn and Co. released #protonpass as an end to end encrypted replacement.
The cherry on top is the built-in 2FA authenticator, saving me from having to open up a separate app to authenticate! Definitely check it out and see what you think! 😎 :protonmail:
There’s no password sharing in #ProtonPass as of yet, or am I missing something?
Proton Mail rilascia Proton Pass e supera un audit di sicurezza indipendente
#opensource #proton #protonmail #protonpass #protondrive