Über diese Scheibe bin ich gestern über einen Post eines alten Freundes gestolpert. Dauerrotation. #protopunk #detroit
August 31 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230831%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
Ich möchte gerne mit Ihnen über Jonathan Richman sprechen, der leider zu unrecht viel zu unbekannt ist.
Ich möchte gerne mit Ihnen über Jonathan Richman sprechen, der leider zu unrecht viel zu unbekannt ist.
I've been asked a few times if there is any media relating to my #garagerock #Cramps #ProtoPunk #Music project, I've made an account if anyone wants to follow...
We've got gigs in
Coming up, announced on that account soon.
#music #protopunk #cramps #garagerock
24 jaar
22 augustus 1952-22 juni 1977
Amerikaanse singer-songwriter en gitarist die in tal van bands speelde. De bekendste is #RocketFromTheTombs, een #Protopunk band die bestond tussen 1974 en 1975 waar #PereUbu en #TheDeadBoys uit onstaan. Peter speelt op de eerste opnames van Pere Ubu.
Peter wordt de catalysator van de rockscene in Cleveland genoemd.
Hij heeft een alcohol -en drugsverslaving en overlijdt na een acute alvleesklierontsteking.
#peterlaughner #rocketfromthetombs #protopunk #pereubu #thedeadboys #gonetoosoon
Well done!
everything you think you know about punk rock is completely wrong by Ed Wagemann on Medium
#punk #punkrock #historyofpunk #protopunk
August 3 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230803%20setlist.html
#punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
Shaven Primates - Birds aren't real
#progressivepostrock #protopunk #Oxford
#review #progressivepostrock #protopunk #oxford
July 27 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230727%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
The Stooges - T.V. Eye
Iggy et les frangins Asheton, complètement défoncés et speed, 1970
Un des plus grands albums rock de tous les temps 🤘
July 13 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230713%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
July 6 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230706%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
June 29 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230629%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
June 22 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230622%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
New episode up on mixcloud, part 4 of These Records Are Older Than I Am, where every song came out before I did. Lots of ProtoPunk in this one
June 15 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230615%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
June 15 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230615%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
June 8 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230608%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock
June 8 show: https://www.djreasonable.com/2023/230608%20setlist.html
Tune in next Thursday for more #punkrock #hardcoremusic #noiserock #protopunk #garagerock
#garagerock #protopunk #noiserock #hardcoremusic #punkrock