Bob Kraft, Patriot’s owner, donates $18,003 to #DarmarHamlin #GoFundMePage. 18=Chai (Life in Hebrew) and 3=Damar’s number. #ProudJew #JewishHeritage
#jewishheritage #proudjew #gofundmepage #darmarhamlin
"Today's Jewish Twitter Horoscope: 14 Kislev 5783 — You will be called both "too white" and "not white" on the Internet today. Ignore all that chazerei. A tall dark stranger will steal your cab ride. Don't try the wontons."
Howard Lovy
8:13 AM · Dec 8, 2022
Wish he crossposted @howardlovy
Since I see people introducing themselves, I'll go ahead as well:
My name is Juneau, I'm 25, my pronouns are #theythem, and I'm from Pittsburgh, PA.
I work as a birth doula and I also work in after school programming for youth in the #immigrant and #refugee community here in #Pittsburgh.
I'm #disabled, #neurodivergent, and I live with #chronicillness.
I am a #proudjew and my #jewish community is precious to me. I want to be a rabbi when I "grow up."
#theythem #immigrant #refugee #pittsburgh #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicillness #proudjew #jewish
Since I see people introducing themselves, I'll go ahead as well:
My name is Juneau, I'm 25, my pronouns are #theythem, and I'm from Pittsburgh, PA.
I work as a birth doula and I also work in after school programming for youth in the #immigrant and #refugee community here in #Pittsburgh.
I'm #disabled, #neurodivergent, and I live with #chronicillness.
I am a #proudjew and my #jewish community is precious to me. I want to be a rabbi when I "grow up."
#theythem #immigrant #refugee #pittsburgh #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicillness #proudjew #jewish