privacy matters · @nikita
535 followers · 2235 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1339 followers · 13293 posts · Server

(CBMC) said on Monday that its the safety & effectiveness of  neural precursor cells derived from into  w/ "for the first time in the world."
The led by Professor Kim Joo-pyung of at CBMC, administered three different doses of cells to 15 patients accompanied by a 12-month follow-up under the age of 70.

#chauniversity #bundang #medicalcenter #researchers #proved #dopamine #fetal #mesenchymal #stemcells #transplanted #patients #parkinsonsdisease #researchteam #neurosurgery

Last updated 2 years ago

Frustrated Writer · @frustratedwriter
50 followers · 79 posts · Server

I just my wrong. We have visiting and I asked her how long they are going stay in the . This family is someone I do not want to to, so for my , I am hiding in my . My mother thought that they are going to go away when I up. But they are still here. I proved to her that can't other people's .🤣

#behavior #predict #wake #Room #benefit #speak #member #morning #overnight #family #mother #proved

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87555 posts · Server
mc ☕ · @mc
84 followers · 808 posts · Server

> In 1779, the Swiss Leonhard posed a that has since become famous: Six army regiments each have six officers of six different ranks. Can the 36 officers be arranged in a 6-by-6 square so that no row or column repeats a rank or regiment?

> But after searching in vain for a solution for the case of 36 officers, Euler concluded that “such an arrangement is , though we can’t give a rigorous demonstration of this.” More than a century later, the French mathematician Gaston Tarry that, indeed, there was no way to arrange Euler’s 36 officers in a 6-by-6 square without repetition. In 1960, mathematicians used to prove that solutions exist for any number of regiments and ranks greater than two, except, curiously, six.

> But whereas Euler thought no such 6-by-6 square exists, recently the game has changed. In a paper posted online and submitted to Physical Review Letters, a group of quantum physicists in India and Poland demonstrates that it is possible to arrange 36 officers in a way that fulfills Euler’s criteria — so long as the officers can have a of ranks and regiments.

Euler’s 243-Year-Old ‘Impossible’ Puzzle Gets a Quantum Solution

#mathematician #computers #euler #puzzle #impossible #proved #quantum #mixture

Last updated 3 years ago

Buchan. · @buchan
35 followers · 258 posts · Server

The Earth is flat
The Earth is a globe


Bruce Jenner is/has a twat

#proved #whogivesafuck

Last updated 7 years ago