📍 #Béjar, #PlazaDeEspaña
📆 #Sábado, 9 de #septiembre 2023
🕙 10 h a 14 h
Infórmate en nuestra #mesasInformativas. Nos vemos allí...
#gira #provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #bejar #plazadeespana #sabado #septiembre #mesasinformativas
Well. Rising #oceans and worsening #storm surges are eroding the small piece of #land that keeps #NovaScotia from becoming an #island. #Provincial #governments are arguing with the #Fed on who should pay for it. I bet we're an island before they do anything. #ClimateCrisis
#oceans #storm #land #NovaScotia #island #provincial #governments #fed #ClimateCrisis
📍 #CiudadRodrigo, #PlazaMayor y #CentroComercial
📆 #Sábado, 26 de #agosto 2023
🕙 10 h a 14 h
Infórmate en nuestras #mesasInformativas. Nos vemos allí... Y no te olvides que el 22 de agosto estamos en #Tamames
#gira #provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #ciudadrodrigo #plazamayor #centrocomercial #sabado #agosto #mesasinformativas #tamames
📍 #Tamames, #PlazaMayor
📆 #Martes, 22 de #agosto 2023
🕙 10 h a 14 h
Infórmate en nuestra #mesaInformativa. Nos vemos allí... Próximamente: #CiudadRodrigo
#provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #tamames #plazamayor #martes #agosto #mesainformativa #ciudadrodrigo
📍 #LaAlberca, #PlazaMayor
📆 #Domingo, 13 de #agosto 2023
🕙 10 h a 14 h
Infórmate en nuestra #mesaInformativa. Nos vemos allí... y no te olvides que el 10 de agosto estamos en #PeñerandaDeBracamonte...
#provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #laalberca #plazamayor #domingo #agosto #mesainformativa #penerandadebracamonte
“Even an inquiry based on firm science would have little chance of being accepted and turned into policy by any future federal or #provincial government, or of restoring trust in public health. #Canadian governments, like governments around the world, got their worst pandemic scare not from the #SARSCoV2 virus but from their voters.”
#provincial #canadian #SarsCoV2
https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/cihi-report-2013-health-care-crisis-1.6924866 “A new report highlights #Canada's major drop in #surgeries during the early years of the #pandemic, but those pains were felt unequally across the country's patchwork #provincial #healthcare systems — with the largest decrease in procedures seen in Newfoundland and Labrador.
#canada #surgeries #pandemic #provincial #healthcare
https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/cihi-report-2013-health-care-crisis-1.6924866 “A new report highlights #Canada's major drop in #surgeries during the early years of the pandemic, but those pains were felt unequally across the country's patchwork #provincial #HealthCare systems — with the largest decrease in procedures seen in Newfoundland and Labrador.
#canada #surgeries #provincial #healthcare
#Aircraft is entering the airspace.
Model: De Havilland Canada DHC-8 101
Callsign: #NCG01
Operator: #Provincial Airlines
Altitude: 5475 ft
First seen above: N/A
First seen: 2023-07-18 09:31:03
Last seen: 2023-07-18 10:01:11
To: N/A
#aircraft #ncg01 #provincial #follow
Empezamos en:
📍 #SantaMartaDeTormes, Carretera #Madrid 69
📆 #Sábado, 22 de #julio 2023
🕙 10 h a 14 h
Infórmate en nuestra #mesaInformativa. Nos vemos allí...
#gira #provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #santamartadetormes #madrid #sabado #julio #mesainformativa
La fechas y localidades que visitaremos este año durante los próximos meses.
¿Quieres acompañarnos y ayudarnos en las #mesasInformativas como #voluntario:a? Para ello sólo tienes que llamar al ☎️ 923 257 140.
#gira #provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #mesasinformativas #voluntario
En unos días anunciaremos la fechas y los:as #pueblos/#ciudades que visitaremos este año con nuestras #mesasInformativas para informar sobre la donación de órganos...
#proximamente #gira #provincial #salamanca #donantedeorganos #pueblos #mesasinformativas
#provincial : constituting a province
- French: provincial
- German: kleinstädtisch
- Italian: provinciale
- Portuguese: provincial
- Spanish: provinciano
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ https://reddit.com/r/LearnANewLanguage
Please sign this petition support the #ontario #water #guardians to protect the #Greenbelt and keep the #Provincial Policy Statement. #environmental #conservation in Ontario is under attack when declines in #biodiversity and the impacts of #climatechange are being felt strongly across #Canada. #onpoli
#ontario #water #guardians #greenbelt #provincial #environmental #conservation #biodiversity #climatechange #canada #onpoli
Il Consiglio #Provinciale dell’Aquila approva la provincializzazione della via “#Circonfucense”
L’Aquila. Si è riunito in mattinata il Consiglio #Provinciale dell’Aquila nella sede di #ViaMonteCagno per affrontare i 9 punti posti all’ordine del giorno, tra i quali la decisione di assumere in capo alla #Provincia la cosiddetta strada “#Circonfucense”, su mozione del Consigliere Dino Iacutone condivisa anche dal #ConsigliereQuirino D’#Orazio, che interessa i […]
L'articolo Il Consiglio #Provinciale dell’Aquila approva la provincializzazione della via “#Circonfucense” sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
#L'Aquila #Provincial Council approves the provincialisation of the '#Circonfucense' road
#L'Aquila. The #Provincial Council of #L'Aquila met in the morning in the headquarters of #ViaMonteCagno to deal with the #nine items on the agenda, including the decision to take over the so-called "#Circonfucense" road from the Province, on a motion by Councillor Dino Iacutone, also shared by Councillor #QuirinoD'Orazio, which affects the [...]
The article The #Provincial Council of #L'Aquila approves the provincialisation of the road "#Circonfucense" seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
2-5-2023 17:50 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/il-consiglio-provinciale-dellaquila-approva-la-provincializzazione-della-via-circonfucense/
#provinciale #circonfucense #viamontecagno #provincia #consiglierequirino #orazio #abruzzolive #l #provincial #nine #quirinod #first
The #BCgovernment has been roundly applauded for removing a key word from the #provincial #regulations governing #forest planning.
For two decades the word “#unduly ” has #limited the #protection of so-called “#NonTimber ” values in #BCForests . #Wildlife #habitat , #soil , #biodiversity & even drinking #water could only be protected if it did not “unduly reduce the supply of timber from #BritishColumbia .”
#StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #deforestation #NewDeathParty #PNW
#bcgovernment #provincial #regulations #forest #unduly #limited #protection #nontimber #bcforests #wildlife #habitat #soil #biodiversity #water #britishcolumbia #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #deforestation #newdeathparty #pnw
A #biologist and wild horse #researcher is calling for stronger #federal and #provincial #protections for the #animals after 17 #carcasses were found in rural #BritishColumbia .
##WildHorses are an #important part of #Canadian #heritage , #FirstNation #culture and the #ecosystem , and need #legislation to #protect them, he said in an interview on Wednesday.
#biologist #researcher #federal #provincial #protections #animals #carcasses #britishcolumbia #wildhorses #important #canadian #heritage #firstnation #culture #ecosystem #legislation #protect #canada #protectwildhorse #equs #equine #ruralbc
#FSIN #Chief Bobby Cameron told the media “#Premier #ScottMoe and his government have repeatedly used the #treaties as a reason to #exclude #FirstNations from some #provincial #revenue programs and natural resource #RevenueSharing , saying First Nations are a federal responsibility.”
“The province of #Saskatchewan does not have the jurisdiction to claim exclusive ownership of #NaturalResources " said Cameron.
#injustice #FarRightGovernment #NoJurisdiction #NativeRights
#fsin #chief #premier #scottmoe #treaties #exclude #firstnations #provincial #revenue #revenuesharing #saskatchewan #naturalresources #injustice #farrightgovernment #nojurisdiction #nativerights
#VelmasHouse - #IndigenousLed #SafeSpace for #women & #GenderDiverse people #AtRisk of #violence & #exploitation , will get over $1.5 million in new #funding #provincial #government announced Thursday.
Operating funds for the #KaNiKanichihk facility, which provides access to #BasicNeeds such as #shelter , #meals & #HygieneSupplies, were announced on #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay
Velma's House opened in 2021 - it operates #24/7 in #Winnipeg #Manitoba
#velmashouse #indigenousled #safespace #women #genderdiverse #atrisk #violence #exploitation #funding #provincial #government #kanikanichihk #BasicNeeds #shelter #meals #hygienesupplies #humantraffickingawarenessday #winnipeg #manitoba #indigenous