Proseguono i "Tech Fridays" Provision-ISR
Proseguono con un ottimo riscontro i "Tech Fridays" Provision-ISR, iniziativa che permette a chi lo desidera, nelle giornate di venerdi’, di aggiornarsi...
#Provision-ISR #TechFridays #formazione
#provision #techfridays #formazione
Happy 35th anniversary to Scritti Politti’s album, ‘Provision’. Released this week in 1988. #scrittipolitti #provision #greengartside #davidgamson #fredmaher #rogertroutman #bjnelson #ohpatti #firstboyinthistown #boomthereshewas
#scrittipolitti #provision #greengartside #davidgamson #fredmaher #rogertroutman #bjnelson #ohpatti #firstboyinthistown #boomthereshewas
While cleaning up my emails, I noticed this link from the Computer History Museum (CHM) newsletter... 👀
Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | FULL DOCUMENTARY
#Apple #Lisa #Macintosh #Mac #MacXL #MacOS #macOS #AppleProVision #ProVision #GUI #UI #UX #Xerox #PARC #XeroxPARC #Alto #HCI
#apple #lisa #macintosh #mac #macxl #macos #appleprovision #provision #gui #ui #ux #xerox #parc #xeroxparc #alto #hci
Apparently they can watch an uncanny valley version of you #WWDC #Apple #provision
Provision-ISR, nuova telecamera WiFi
La nuova telecamera WiFi I2-340WIPSN-28 e’ stata di recente lanciata dal brand israeliano Provision-ISR. Dotata di ottica fissa da...
#Provision-ISR #telecameraWiFiI2-340WIPSN-28 #videoanalisi
#provision #telecamerawifii2 #videoanalisi
Da hat die Banken- und Versicherungslobby mal wieder gut gearbeitet: #bananrepublik #provision #geldanlage #banken
#bananrepublik #provision #geldanlage #Banken
Provision-ISR, lanciate anche in Italia le telecamere termiche Bi-Spettro
Provision-ISR lancia "Thermal": le nuove telecamere Bi-Spettro del brand israeliano approdano infatti in Italia per garantire prestazioni eccellenti...
#Provision-ISR #sicurezza #telecameretermicheBi-Spettro
#provision #sicurezza #telecameretermichebi
RT @CashEssentials
In #Turkey, @Merkez_Bankasi & #paymentssector #stakeholders have sought to restore the #provision of #cash and #bankingservices after devastating #earthquakes.
READ: | @econobitch #MiddleEast #payments #crisis #humanitarianrelief
#turkey #paymentssector #stakeholders #provision #cash #bankingservices #earthquakes #middleeast #payments #crisis #humanitarianrelief
Provision-ISR, a Napoli un evento per ufficializzare la partnership con Sicurtecnica
Provision-ISR ha in programma, per il 23 marzo prossimo, un evento istituzionale per ufficializzare la partnership con Sicurtecnica, nuovo distributore...
#Provision-ISR #Sicurtecnica #sicurezza
#provision #sicurtecnica #sicurezza
RT @CashEssentials
In #Turkey, @Merkez_Bankasi & #paymentssector #stakeholders have sought to restore the #provision of #cash and #bankingservices after devastating #earthquakes.
READ: | @econobitch #MiddleEast #payments
#turkey #paymentssector #stakeholders #provision #cash #bankingservices #earthquakes #middleeast #payments
Thinking about deploying services on a VPS. It's incredibly manual: set up a distro → install stuff on it via SSH.
Considering creating a tool that helps you provision on a VPS similarly to how you would on a cloud by easing usability - with GUI with status & controls for your apps via localhost or other remote servers.
Is that something anyone would be interested in? Know anything similar? What are your thoughts?
#webdev #vps #hosting #selfhosted #deployment #provision
Andrea Tandler in U-Haft
Die #Tochter des einstigen CSU-Generalsekretärs Gerold #Tandler hatte mit einem Partner bei #Maskendeals 48 Millionen Euro #Provision kassiert. Anlass für die #UHaft sind #Steuerermittlungen.
#Tochter #Tandler #Maskendeals #provision #uhaft #steuerermittlungen
Maybe you already heard "infrastructure as code", but what does it mean? Why should you care?
Let's find it out!
#servers #provision #infrastructure #infrastructureascode #devops
#servers #provision #infrastructure #InfrastructureAsCode #devops
@heiseonline An der #Provision i.H.v. 30 % scheint sich aber nichts zu ändern. 🤔
#digitalservicesact 2022 #eu wide has impacting compliance requirements on #digital #business that has a knock-on effect for #digital #service #provision. This makes #agile #devops a real requirement... more at
#digitalservicesact #eu #digital #business #service #provision #agile #devops
You did an #upgrade, rather than a completely new install and #provision?
That gives me hope; I'm at F35, and my laptop is *not* provisionable (lots of stuff installed or edited by hand)..
Everyone seems to think install&provision is the way to go, even for personal laptops. 😔 I'll tell ya, we never had to do that in the old #OpenVMS days!
I stick with #git, the #homesick gem, and #rsync. If I had the storage, I'd use #fsdump.
#upgrade #provision #openvms #git #homesick #rsync #fsdump
#Immobilientausch ist eine gute Idee, davon sind wir überzeugt. Aber die Suche nach der passenden Kombination ist schwierig. Einfache Suchtreffer genügen nicht, ein Tausch muss für beide passen. Wir machen die aufwändige Suche effektiv und einfach. Für uns zählt, dass es passt – nicht, wer die #Provision bekommt.
#haustausch #wohnungstausch #tauschboerse #immobilien #proptech
#immobilientausch #haustausch #wohnungstausch #proptech #provision #immobilien #tauschboerse
RT @natasapouliou: @Cedefop @slovenia national workshop on #futureofVET ongoing! Group discussions nicely prepared and testing of #scenarios in a national context!How is #VET conceptualized in Slovenia? #users #Pathways #governance #provision @EU_Social @poklicno
#FutureofVET #scenarios #VET #users #Pathways #governance #provision
This is a must read article if you, your friends or family use mental health services.
But, moreover providers, commissioners and policy makers -it is time for a root and branch change of culture.
Long term Under Funding must have it’s part to play, I was a service user in the late 80’s thank goodness it was then and not now.
#provision #funding #culture #mentalhealthservices