You can search for a map by place name but often you want to search by zooming around a map. (Like using your phone to find something “near me”.) You can find paintings that way in my #S_T_Gill project. And you may be familiar with this for (rectified) maps in #MapWarper / #PROVmapWarper.
Tim Sherratt has just built this finder map for maps in Trove. This is an excellent complement to Trove itself. A date range filter would enhance it, but I’m already using it today.
#GLAMWorkbench #TroveAu #Trove #HistoricalMapping
#s_t_gill #mapwarper #provmapwarper #glamworkbench #troveau #Trove #historicalmapping
Here's an interesting example of historical mapping taking form - century old detailed maps of St Kilda streets and buildings from the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) - digitised and overlayed on a modern map. It's early days - just put into a mosaic today. I think it'll benefit from cropping the map sheet images for a better overlap. (I georeference PROV maps as a volunteer. It can range in difficulty from the easy to a hard historical research task.)
#HistoricalMapping #StKilda #PROVmapWarper #HistoryAU #CitizenHumanities
Link to view map:
#historicalmapping #stkilda #provmapwarper #historyau #citizenhumanities