JJ Asghar · @jjasghar
389 followers · 266 posts · Server mastodon.social

That moment when you think you should finally set up a instance for fun.

And you google: "setting up my own prow instance"

And scroll down and find your own post about how you got it done back in 2020.

Welp that was very surprising.

#kubernetes #prow #blog

Last updated 1 year ago

Roaming The Paths · @roaming_the_paths
106 followers · 155 posts · Server mastodon.green

Wanted! Looking for companies and individuals who know how to fix this.

I want to connect with you to discuss such matters.

Small projects available, plus larger tenders soon.

Connect or contact me.

#projects #rightsofway #Footpath #bridleway #activetravel #elms #prow

Last updated 2 years ago

nieebel · @aligyie
823 followers · 1850 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

@nalum v2 + + is nice! I prefer it over (I heard that AWS moved away from argo to flux).

For managing k8s resources I prefer simple and small controllers written in Go listening only to small subset of resources instead of what is doing: intercepting every kubernetes api server traffic, which might be a bottleneck or a single point of failure, which I would avoid. But not sure, have not much experience with it.

I use mostly code generators which I prefer over Operator Framework. Only unit-testing with the K8s fake client is not possible to an extend I would expect...
So we try to get more integration tests in our pipeline via ephemeral Kind/minikube/... clusters via - which is not that straight forward...

#prow #kubebuilder #Kyverno #ArgoCD #vault #sops #mozilla #fluxcd

Last updated 2 years ago