红矮星的亮度分布中出现的间隙指出了两种不同类型,为这些微弱冷小星提供了新的理解。《美国国家科学院院刊》内部工作论文详见:[链接] 照明间隙 #TRAPPIST1 #ProximaCentauri #天文学 🔗原始的网址链接是:https://ift.tt/knYb0Dh
#trappist1 #proximacentauri #天文学
De ster van Barnard
Het Alpha Centauri-systeem vertegenwoordigt de dichtstbijzijnde stellaire buur van de Zon, op een afstand van iets meer dan 4 miljard jaar. De ster van Barnard is slechts iets verder weg, op ongeveer 6 lichtjaar. De nabijheid heeft er voor gezorgd dat de ster van Barnard uitgebreid is bestudeerd.
Ster van
#AlphaCentauri #barnard #eigenbeweging #ophiuchus #ProximaCentauri #RodeDwerg #slangendrager #SterVanBarnard
#stervanbarnard #slangendrager #rodedwerg #proximacentauri #ophiuchus #eigenbeweging #barnard #alphacentauri
I wonder if our Oort cloud is connected at its extreme edge with Proxima Centauri’s Oort cloud. Far away comets from different neighborhoods just out there chillin’.
#comets #oortcloud #solarsystem #space #proximacentauri #astronomy #cosmology #joke
#comets #oortcloud #solarsystem #space #proximacentauri #astronomy #cosmology #joke
Elon Musk eyes ‘highly habitable’ planet that’s ‘practically next door’ | The Independent
#musk #Exoplanets #NextDoorNeighbour #spacex #proximacentauri #goldilockszone #EightyThousandYearJourney
Davy Jones's Locker isn't the only kind of deep, for the heavens harbor worlds that have depths of *air*...and, perhaps, an alien presence that will lead to the greatest discovery of all time. Follow two explorers as they go in...
#novels #books #author #writer #writing #spaceflight #spacexploration #scifi #sciencefiction #spaceopera #romance #romancestory #romancenovel #scifiromance #story #aliens #alienintelligence #firstcontact #Thalassa #ProximaCentauri
#novels #books #author #writer #writing #spaceflight #spacexploration #SciFi #sciencefiction #spaceopera #romance #romancestory #romancenovel #scifiromance #story #aliens #alienintelligence #firstcontact #thalassa #proximacentauri
Seven years ago, my group launched the Pale Red Dot observing campaign whose purpose was very simple: to confirm the existence of #Proximab, the nearest candidate habitable #exoplanet.
Evidence for its existence had been found three years earlier by myself, but such extraordinary discoveriy require stronger support than most scientific results.
And it gained support, as of today, from as many as three different telescopes and instruments.
#astronomy #ProximaCentauri
#proximacentauri #astronomy #exoplanet #Proximab
Trovati pianeti abitabili sui quali andare a vivere. Scoperte due eso-terre potenzialmente abitabili a 16 anni luce da noi. I nuovi pianeti individuati orbitano attorno alla vicina stella GJ 1002, situata a meno di 16 anni luce di distanza dal Sistema solare, in direzione della costellazione della Balena.
#costellazionedellaBalena #Esa #esoterre #esopianeta #esopianeti #GJ1002 #ProximaCentauri #sistemasolare #spettrografoAndes #Voyage2050
#costellazionedellabalena #esa #esoterre #esopianeta #esopianeti #gj1002 #proximacentauri #sistemasolare #spettrografoandes #Voyage2050
Life on Proxima b Is Not Having a Good Time
The nearest known exoplanet to Earth, the #planet orbiting #ProximaCentauri, experiences some pretty nasty #space weather from its parent star. But previous work on the space weather of Proxima relied on a lot of assumptions. The bad news is that new research has confirmed the grim picture.
#planet #proximacentauri #Space
🪐 :writing_hand_hmn_g1: #Das ist die Spickvorlage für den Planeten #OLA in meinem #SciFi Versuch namens #Allaine. Im Hintergrund #ProximaCentauri (Illustration):
#das #ola #scifi #Allaine #proximacentauri
🪐 Bin gerade dabei, meinen fiktiven Zielplaneten, der sich hinter dem Pseudonym #Ola verbirgt, in der Realität genauer zu studieren: Die Auswahl traf auf #ProximaB. Er umkreist die Sonne #ProximaCentauri und gilt als Planet der habitablen (also potentiell bewohnbaren) Zone. Trotz alledem: Da werde ich noch ein wenig schrauben müssen, um ihn für meine Zivilisation wirklich bewohnbar zu machen.
🌀 https://www.mpg.de/10696754/proxima-centauri-planet
#ola #Proximab #proximacentauri
Hackaday Links: August 7, 2022
#quantumprogramming #HackadayColumns #proximacentauri #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #datarecovery #quantumgates #classaction #dataprivacy #settlement #TimHortons #tracking #chorizo #sausage #Slider #qubits #sdcard #jwst
#quantumprogramming #HackadayColumns #proximacentauri #Hackadaylinks #datarecovery #quantumgates #classaction #dataprivacy #Settlement #timhortons #tracking #chorizo #sausage #slider #qubits #sdcard #jwst
@ElchrichElch @steeph
Unser Video vom Stern #ProximaCentauri gestern nach der #Bombeerernte.
#proximacentauri #Bombeerernte
#astronomy #planets #exoplanets #ProximaD #ProximaCentauri An article published in the journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics" reports the discovery of another rocky planet in the Proxima Centauri system.
#astronomy #exoplanets #ProximaD #proximacentauri #planets
#astronomy #RedDwarf #ProximaCentauri An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal Letters" reports an analysis of a #superflare of the #star Proxima Centauri observed in 2019 in various bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.
#astronomy #reddwarf #proximacentauri #superflare #star
[#BotActu] « Proxima b est confirmée ! Il y a bien une exoterre dans la zone habitable de l’étoile la plus proche de nous » https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/exoplanete-proxima-b-confirmee-il-y-bien-exoterre-zone-habitable-etoile-plus-proche-nous-81259/#xtor%3DRSS-8 #proximaducentaureb #proximacentaurib #exoplanétologie #proximacentauri #spectrographe #exoplanète #espresso #proximab #àlaune
#BotActu #proximaducentaureb #proximacentaurib #exoplanétologie #proximacentauri #spectrographe #exoplanète #espresso #proximab #àlaune
De nouvelles observations réalisées avec le spectrographe HARPS de l'observatoire La Silla, au Chili, appuient l'existence d'une deuxième planète orbite... 🔭 🌑 🌍
#Astronomie #Chili #Espace #Univers #Proxima #Centaure #ProximaCentauri #Exoplanète #Planète #2 #février #2020 #02022020
Plus d'informations : https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Astronomie_:_l%27existence_d%27une_plan%C3%A8te_Proxima_Centauri_c_de_plus_en_plus_problable
Améliorer cet article : https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Aide:Sommaire
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[#BotActu] « Proxima Centauri c : y a-t-il une superterre à 4,2 années-lumière du Soleil ? » https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/exoplanetes-proxima-centauri-c-y-t-il-superterre-42-annees-lumiere-soleil-57481/#xtor%3DRSS-8 #méthodedesvitessesradiales #relativitégénérale #transitplanétaire #proximacentaurib #proximacentauric #alphacentauribb #alphaducentaure #proximacentauri #alphacentauri #exobiologie #exoplanètes #superterre #àlaune #kozai
#BotActu #méthodedesvitessesradiales #relativitégénérale #transitplanétaire #proximacentaurib #proximacentauric #alphacentauribb #alphaducentaure #proximacentauri #alphacentauri #exobiologie #exoplanètes #superterre #àlaune #kozai