ベルギーProximus 社のデータセンター火災、緊急通報電話が一時不通に
#cafedc #proximus #ベルギー
@FreePietje @je5perl Alright after some research I conclude the benefits of:
Buying a #Proximus-compatible #Fritzbox like the 7530 or 7590:
- device hardware optimised to work as #modem / #router
- less #tinkering needed
- modem/router in one device (lower energy consumption?)
Using my existing #RaspberryPi 3B+ as router:
- general purpose device might be get longer #OpenWRT support than a specific Fritzbox model
- saves money
- more flexible, extendable
Does this sound correct? Thanks!
#proximus #fritzbox #modem #router #tinkering #raspberrypi #openwrt
Wat scheelt er met #Proximus ?
Al de zoveelste beller op mijn GSM die "mij terugbelt" (van een random Belgisch GSMnr) terwijl ik die persoon helemaal niet gebeld heb...!?
@jan I jumped on a promo by them. But that was not the main reason I changed providers.
#MobileVikings, as it became a part of #Proximus caused connection issues on my commuting route (train). The place where I would use a #mobileconnection most often. Mobile Vikings used the #Orange network which always worked for me. #HeyTelecom does still use that network.
After more than 3 months of use I am happy to have made the switch
#mobilevikings #proximus #mobileconnection #orange #heytelecom
Just received a new, #ISP-issued #modem / #wifi #router at home after a lightning strike destroyed the old one.
The new device stores all the settings including the WiFi #password *in the cloud*.
As we all know, nothing bad has ever happened to a large number of passwords stored on a server. #securityfail #proximus #belgium #internet
#isp #modem #wifi #router #password #securityfail #proximus #belgium #internet
Trying to do a cell phone number transfer from #Proximus to #HeyTelecom (an online-only brand of #Orange)... It's a bit of a faff.
First, had to remove this number from the company plan to a prepaid card at the same provider. That was done quickly.
Ordered a transfer to Hey, and now the fun starts...
After a few days of hearing crickets, I contact Hey. They tell me an error happened, the SIM had not been activated. This was 100% my fault - I had assumed activating the SIM was silly if I would just transfer it anyway. But that was a requirement, so I did it, and the Hey people restarted the porting request. Should get my SIM soon.
Few more days of crickets, contact them again. Seems there was a strike at the office where the SIMs are shipped, please be patient.
Another day or two go by, nothing. Contacted them again, seems the person forgot to send my stuff back for processing, they did it, it'll be OK soon.
@repo Wij hebben begin dit jaar ook die keuze gemaakt en waren ook positief verrast van het meerverbruik: 139GB per maand (vrij constant) waarbij er gemiddeld elke dag zo'n 2-3u gestreamd wordt (via Chromecast Google TV, niet 4K, via RJ45).
In mijn hoofd had ik rekening gehouden met 0.5TB/maand, maar daar blijven we dus héél ver van af. #televisie #tv #proximus #telenet (not) #mobilevikings #Streaming
#Streaming #mobilevikings #telenet #proximus #TV #televisie
I’ve now been on hold for 1 hour and 20 minutes, should I give up? #Proximus
Belgische Mededingingsautoriteit persbericht https://www.bma-abc.be/sites/default/files/content/download/files/20230322_Persbericht_10_BMA.pdf
Demande suite, et probablement fin, de l'installation d'une solution "Forum Connect". #Proximus #business #forumconnect
#proximus #business #forumconnect
#Vénus et #Jupiter vues au dessus des anciennes antennes de télécommunication de #Belgacom (#proximus) à Lessives (Rochefort, BEL) ce 02 mars 2023. Sur la vie rapprochée, on distingue les quatre lunes de Jupiter découvertes par #Galilee en 1610 : Callisto, Europe, Ganymède et Io. #Astronomie #Astronomy
#venus #jupiter #belgacom #proximus #galilee #Astronomie #Astronomy