Estaciones del @metrodesantiago según un grupo de alumnos de 4to medio
Perros de la cana
Levanté un #Proxitok en
¿Y para qué sirve eso?
Básicamente para sapear en #tiktok y que no te sapeen a ti.
Congress seems more determined to ban #TikTok than ever Because #SurveillanceCapitalism is only bad when "they" do it. (Meanwhile, you can use an instance of in any browser to prevent TikTok from tracking you!) #Proxitok #data #privacy
#tiktok #surveillancecapitalism #proxitok #data #privacy
#proxitok stopped uploading videos. does anyone else have similar problems?
The main #nitter instance has been a bit sad lately, either overheating itself, or being rate limited to oblivion. The good thing is it finally pushed me to spin up my own and while I was at it I also got a #ProxiTok and #bibliogram. I'll probably rarely use those two, but it's still nice to have them.
not that i've been active on twitter in years, but finally closed my account.
related: still very thankful for #Nitter #RSS #ProxiTok #InstaLoader but hope to see more people join the #fediverse
#nitter #rss #proxitok #instaloader #fediverse