RT David Martin in #BayBUG FB group (public), re. Heath St cycleway removal: (1/2 in 🧵):
Canada Bay Council on Tuesday night voted to accept Traffic Committee’s recommendation to remove the uphill cycleway in Heath St Five Dock, just installed in August 2022.
Note that TfNSW voted on TC against the recommendation, refuting the arguments put forward (re road width, accessing driveways, sight lines at Heath/Rickard). Transport strongly supported the benefits of the cycleway for bike riders and in slowing motor vehicle traffic on Heath St. Transport "offered design support to assist Council in developing a concept design that balances all user requirements" and that "Council consider deferring the decision on removal of the [cycle] path pending the outcome of a design review conducted in partnership with Council". This offer was repeated in a motion from Cllr Jago(Greens)during consideration of the TC recommendation but did not receive a seconder. (NB Both Labour councillors were absent.)
There were five speakers against TC's recommendation: from BayBUG, Bicycle NSW and the [Mortlake-Cabarita]Peninsula Action Group.
The lack of support from the Mayor (Tsirekas) and the TC chair (Cllr Megna) for anything cycling was palpable. After our first speaker presented, the Mayor asked the rest of us whether we really had anything in addition to say. We all claimed our 5 minutes.
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#canadabay #cbc #tfnsw #cycleways #visionzero #PRUAIP #transport #betterstreets #baybug
#baybug #canadabay #cbc #tfnsw #cycleways #visionzero #pruaip #transport #betterstreets