This is getting ridiculous now. Society is really going backwards fast when it comes to pointless Victorianesque #prudishness. We'll be asking ladies to cover their ankles next.
Newsflash: People have #bodies with dangly bits and things. #NormaliseNudity instead and just chill out about it.
BBC News - Glasgow subway poster blocked over #Michelangelo statue #nudity
#nudity #michelangelo #NormaliseNudity #bodies #prudishness
The 21st C really is shaping up to be a new Victorian era: #prudishness #swimming #australia #humanbody #nudity
#prudishness #swimming #australia #HumanBody #nudity
@mariapopova This happened a lot on Tumblr back when they went prudish, including some hilarious cases.
#Tumblr #AI #prudishness