Following and boosting Friend Computer is the fastest and easiest way to demonstrate your loyalty to Friend Computer.
Demonstrating your loyalty to Friend Computer is the fastest and easiest way to not be re-assigned for use in Internal Security advanced interrogation training.
Remember citizen:
Efficiency is your friend.
Mandatory friendship is efficient.
#paranoia #ttrpg #games #psa #friendship
Dasselbe für Deutschland: Am kommrnden Donnerstag 14. September 11:00 bis 12:00 ist Warntag. Diese Warnungen sind sehr laut und das für längere Zeit (bis die akustische Komponente weggedrückt wird). Es ist möglich die Warnung in den Präferenzen des Geräts abzuschalten. Seit dem letzten Warntag haben sicher einige, die zu dem Zeipunkt noch ein Mobiltelefon ohne diese Funktion hatten, zu einem Telefon mit der Funktion gewechselt, oder die Telefon-Software wurde upgedatet. Bitte boosten.
@ReginaMuehlich @BlumeEvolution @pallenberg @privacyDE @HonkHase @SheDrivesMobility @Nike_Leonhard
#hauslichegewalt #warntag #cellbroadcast #psa #servicetweet
#mutualaid #diy #fyi #psa :antifa_100: is a #Mastodon community that is interested in high-quality conversations concerning India.
You are welcome to sign up or move to this server.
#India #PublicPolicy #Economics #Society #Technology #Science
#psa #mastodon #india #publicpolicy #economics #society #technology #science
>Deadly flesh-eating bacteria: CDC warns people with open wounds to stay out of coastal waters
Because what the fuck else can we possibly worry about? Another add to the 2023 Doomsday bingo card.
#cdc #psa #fyi #medical #health #disease
This is a #PSA for those that don't know the difference between a #MAGA politician and a #DarkMAGA politician in #Tennessee , where we are swamped with BOTH kinds.
An altercation between the Rutherford County Mayor, #JoeCarr (MAGA) and County Commissioner #CraigHarris (Dark MAGA) was caught on video, and the transcript makes the distinction clear - it is the love of violence to address #grievances. 👀
#psa #MAGA #DarkMAGA #tennessee #joecarr #craigharris #grievances
La Peste Suina Africana entra nei rifugi
Alla fine purtroppo è successo quello che con tutte le forze la Rete dei Santuari di Animali Liberi in Italia ha cercato di evitare: la Peste Suina Africana è entrata in uno dei rifugi aderenti, il Progetto Cuori Liberi (qui il comunicato ufficiale). Diciamolo subito anche se ovviamente non ce ne sarebbe bisogno: se ci sono persone umane che sono realmente impegnate nel cercare di contrastare la Peste Suina Africana questi sono le attiviste e gli attivisti dei rifugi che vivono la loro vita cercando di salvare gli Animali. Eppure, ancora una volta, si vuole colpire i più deboli per tutelare i più forti, in questo caso i grandi allevamenti intensivi: è così scattato il provvedimento di abbattimento di tutti i Maiali del rifugio.
#psa #pestesuinaafricana
Very strange...
My #DeGoogled #Pixel 7, which has such heroic battery life, went from 61% battery to 45% battery overnight, even though it was on battery saver mode.
Usually pixels will only drop a handful of percentage points overnight while on battery saver.
My phone regularly gives me two days of battery life, unlike my old Pixel 4a 5G, which was usually down to 20% by the end of the day.
#PSA: Don't let your phone's battery get below 20% if you want to daily-drive it for a long time.
Introducing our new Wordle Solver tool - #SinglePlayer #Wordle #Puzzle #Indie #Text #PSA #PC
#pc #psa #text #indie #puzzle #Wordle #singleplayer
Officials begin lowering Lake #Ontario, St. Lawrence River | WWTI -
> MASSENA, N.Y. (WWTI) — Officials have begun lowering water levels. On September 2, the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board deviated from Plan 2014 to lower levels on Lake Onta…
Yo, folks in the north of England who suffer from hayfever: do yourselves a favour, if you haven't already. Take your antihistamines, use your nose sprays, keep your eyedrops on hand and pack a hanky. Mugwort pollen is high today, causes problems for a lot of pollen-sensitive folks, and is trying to personally murder me as we speak.
Comic books are for the children.
#Comics #ComicBooks #SpiderMan #SubstanceAbuse #PSA #GraphicNovel #Marvel
#comics #comicbooks #spiderman #substanceabuse #psa #graphicnovel #Marvel
#PSA: You can have a degraded zraid without #ZFS actually showing a problem. I had a raid with a really, really bad write performance and an even worse read performance for the whole raid. Thankfully /var/log/messages hinted to a problem with one of the drives. Nothing serious, just some caching timeout. So I replaced that drive to check if that would change something. And thankfully it fixed the problem. Oh, and btw: Always keep spares around!
#freebsd #basementrack
#psa #zfs #freebsd #basementrack
#Okta: Hackers target IT help desks to gain Super Admin, disable MFA
> Identity and access management company Okta released a warning about social engineering attacks targeting IT service desk agents at U.S.-based customers in an attempt to trick them into resetting multi-factor authentication (MFA) for high-privileged users.