That double-whammy time on the #Psalter with the #DailyOffice of #Psalms 22 and 23. First the psalm that the Lord quotes on the cross, then the reminder that:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
-- Ps 23:4
As we go through life's troubles, even life's final troubles, the Lord is there with us. To lovingly guide and comfort. All we have to do is listen and trust.
#psalter #dailyoffice #psalms #christianity #anglican
It's that special time in the #psalter when I read one of my favourites. #Psalm 104 is just a lovely poetic telling of the great beauty of the world.
You make springs gush forth in the valleys;
they flow between the hills;
they give drink to every beast of the field;
the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell;
they sing among the branches.
From your lofty abode you water the mountains;
the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.
-- Ps 104:10-13
#psalter #psalm #bible #dailyoffice
Praying through the #psalter and the #lectionary as part of the #DailyOffice with #coffee and Kletus this morning.
St Paul reminds us that "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone." (1 Cor 12:4-6)
I think on this concept a lot as I determine my path forward with the Lord. Am I called to lead in the laity? In the clergy? Is my work outside the church walls done in service to the Lord? We only have so many hours on this Earth, how am I called to spend them? How are you called?
#psalter #lectionary #dailyoffice #coffee #christian #anglican
44 new #Manuscripts from the #Vatican added this week
Includes texts on the Sphere, a Sarum Processionale, a Greek liturgical #Psalter, a Breviary, a Lapidary, and more!
#Medieval #Medievodons
@medievodons @bookhistodons
#medievodons #medieval #psalter #vatican #manuscripts
Today is the Feast of the #Annunciation.
This 1270s illustration was inserted into a #14thCentury #psalter now owned by #StJohnsCollege at #CambridgeUniversity - where red is the college colour; hence the name of the #blazer. Note the magnificent red & gold wings of the #ArchangelGabriel in this wonderful depiction!
#13thCentury #medieval #manuscript #illumination #MedievalArt #medievodons #RedMen #LMBC @medievodons
#annunciation #14thcentury #psalter #stjohnscollege #cambridgeuniversity #blazer #archangelgabriel #13thcentury #medieval #manuscript #illumination #medievalart #medievodons #redmen #lmbc
#AnneOfGloucester grew up with the library of #Pleshey Castle, commissioned & collected by the #bibliophile #Bohun family, & catalogued in 1397 when her father was arrested. #WomensHistory prompts reflection on household culture, role models, generational influence - & how both we & kings may struggle with inner demons.
🎨 made for Anne's mother, #EleanorDeBohun. 🧵 13/
#BookOfHours #Psalter #digitised #manuscript #OpenAccess #MedievalWomen #medieval #medievodons #GranddaughtersOfEdwardIII
#anneofgloucester #pleshey #bibliophile #bohun #womenshistory #eleanordebohun #bookofhours #psalter #digitised #manuscript #openaccess #medievalwomen #medieval #medievodons #granddaughtersofedwardiii
Psalm 143
The 7th and final penitential psalm:
“Teach me to do what pleases you, for you are my God;
let your kindly spirit lead me on a level path.”
Psalm 129
One common poetic feature of the Psalms of Ascents is not frequently used in tweets.
Not frequently used in tweets.
Richard Allison: The Lord's Prayer
An Elizabethan setting from 'The Psalmes of Dauid in Meter', 1599, one of the #music #books brought onto the #Mayflower in 1620 by William Brewster.
Eleanor Cramer: #soprano
Richard de Winter: #tenor
Robin Jeffrey: #cittern
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Tamsin Lewis: #alto
Lynda Sayce: #lute
Peter Willcock: #bass
#earlymusic #earlymodern #WilliamBrewster #Tudor #Tudors #TudorMusic #ElizabethanMusic #ElizabethI #tablebook #tablebooks #LordsPrayer#TheLordsPrayer #psalter #sheetmusic #musicprinting #musicprintinghistory #AmericanHistory #pilgrimfathers #mayflowerpilgrims #mayflowerpassengers #mayflowerhistory #histodon @histodon #histodons @histodons @earlymusic @earlymodernmaritimestudies
#music #books #Mayflower #soprano #tenor #cittern #viol #Alto #lute #bass #earlymusic #earlymodern #williambrewster #Tudor #tudors #tudormusic #elizabethanmusic #elizabethi #tablebook #tablebooks #lordsprayer #psalter #sheetmusic #musicprinting #musicprintinghistory #AmericanHistory #PilgrimFathers #mayflowerpilgrims #mayflowerpassengers #mayflowerhistory #histodon #histodons
Psalm 128
Happy all who fear Yahweh.
His blessings are food and family.
Such fruit are but a foretaste of future shalom.
Psalm 123
Yahweh, we your servants look to you in utter dependence.
We lift our eyes to you.
Grant us grace.
Lord, grant us grace.
Psalm 121
Yahweh, creator of heaven and earth, is my helper, keeper, and protector.
For the day ahead and for evermore.
Psalm 120
As disciples of Christ we all live in the mayhem of Meshech, Kedar, or somewhere in between.
And yet we can all take comfort that the road we walk leads to the City of Peace.
#Psalm 21
You, LORD, bless the king:
trusting you, he'll not be moved.
Woe betide his foes.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
Psalm 116
Eyes once filled with tears look far ahead on the road.
Feet once lost on byways carry me forward on The Way.
Psalm 115
The Lord lent us the Earth to steward.
So often our eyes stray from both him and his creation.
Why would we value gold and silver instead?
Psalm 111
One of three in a row which begin Hallelujah.
An acrostic.
A miniature theology of God in a single psalm.
Psalm 110
May we faithfully follow Christ in the daily imbibing of living waters.
May ripples of his baptism, and our own, touch those around us.
Psalm 109
I will give great thanks to the Lord with my mouth;
in the midst of the multitude will I praise him;
Because he has stood at the right hand of the needy,
to save them from those who would condemn them.
Psalm 108
Lord, awake our souls we pray.
In an age of shrillness help us be both wise and courageous.
May our voices and actions proclaim you faithfully.