EU-Kommission will Banksektor weiter öffnen und die Authentifizierung verbessern | heise online #ElectronicCash #OnlineBanking #eBanking #PSD2 #PSD3
#psd3 #psd2 #ebanking #onlinebanking #electroniccash
Ich habe von Anfang nicht verstanden, weshalb ich irgendeinem windigen Startup Zugriff auf meine Konten geben soll...
These: Den Meisten, die den Zugriff gewährt haben, haben nicht wirklich verstanden, was sie gerade tun.
#Banking #Payments #PSD2 #PSD3
PSD3: Fintechs haben mein Konto nicht verdient
#banking #payments #psd2 #psd3
@chris @aral The only things you can't do is buy real estate in cash or rent a car with cash, as both don't want to handle cash and car rental will likely prefer to pull the entire rent + deposit and then back-transfer the deposit after returning the car...
also banks here are extremely stingy in terms of loans and actual credit cards are sparse with low limits at best...
So if your CC doesn't support #3Dsecure, #PSD2 and Chip+Pin it may not work at all...
@aral *nodds in agreement*
I wish I could go into detail about how f**ked up finance and payment providers are but that's covered with NDAs...
Granted most of it is just absurd #TechDebt and shitty tacked-on solutions like #3Dsecure and #PSD2 that never solved the core issues whilst bricking enough stuff that a complete redesign would've been more useful and economically...
Dit is een #PSD2 mislukking #rekeninginformatiedienst #openfinance
#openfinance #rekeninginformatiedienst #psd2
Wat gaat Nederland met ‘open finance’ doen? #openfinance #PSD2 #cybersecurity
Mijn standpunt: EU is niet rijp voor delen financiële persoonsgegevens @financien
#cybersecurity #psd2 #openfinance
I did 2 ATM #cash withdrawals in #Germany (maestro debit card). Postbank cost 5,49 € in fees, Haspa 0. Haspa had bigger fee warnings, but as a sparkasse I guessed it has better agreements with my Italian bank.
In #PSD2 theory, you don't have to guess:
@schrottkatze Yes.
They use #SAP as #backend and store passwords in #plaintext.
Because that's the only logical reason they'd not demand 32+ signs with Uppercase- Lowercase, Numerals and Symbols as well as denying CamelcaseSpeak and checking for words in realtime...
And yes, #PCIDSS and #PSD2 don't have any "password security" demands whatsoever...
#psd2 #pcidss #plaintext #backend #sap
Europe’s naivety on #openfinance | will the #PSD2-successor be safe for citizens? #dataprotection #cybersecurity
#cybersecurity #dataprotection #psd2 #openfinance
I like the Polish pragmatism with #epayments. You're asked to pay cash? Just add 5 zl (1 €) in "tip" and card will be fine. (Some taxi drivers helpfully add this extra fee without asking. Would be illegal under #PSD2 but I like the no-fuss way.)
Processors allow to pay in € for a 7,5 % fee (?!) but you can refuse on the POS.
In Belgium, every payment turns into a struggle with unwritten social rules. (Which I can handle by using customs from 2000s Italy and a #Maestro card.)
#epayments #psd2 #maestro #cashless #sepa
#mastodon is very quiet for me at the moment. I was never addicted to twitter but had managed to build up around 300 followers by being fairly vocal on a number of topics:
- UK #ProportionalRepresentation referendum
- #atheism #humanism
- #athletics
- #FederatedAuthentication
- #OpenBanking #PSD2 #GPRP
It will be interesting were the journey takes me with #mastodon.
#mastodon #proportionalrepresentation #atheism #humanism #athletics #federatedauthentication #openbanking #psd2 #gprp #twittermigration
The UK's review of #PaymentServices regulation is overshadowed by the failure to consider the review of #PSD2 / #EMD2; the jingoistic (and mistaken) claim that 'open banking' was invented by the Brits in 2016; and an AltRight conspiracy theory that payment providers might be against 'free speech':
Delighted to publish the first #EBA peer review led by my team, assessing the authorisation practices of national supervisors when assessing authorisation applications by payment institutions under #PSD2. We found some good practices but also some key changes where we want to see improvements over the next couple years.
Terwijl Europa druk is met #openfinance is bij de accountants #PSD2 net doorgedrongen
@harld @gertnieman @ellent @helma
Ff bijlezen #psd2
Maar het eeuwige concurrentie spook bij de #eu. Want we willen dat degene met het meeste geld alles kan opkopen. Werkt ook zo lekker bij sociale media
Mahir Alkaya:
"Uit evaluatie van #PSD2, de EU-wet die grootschalig delen van klantgegevens door banken mogelijk heeft gemaakt, blijkt dat weinig mensen toestemming geven. Terecht en begrijpelijk, die data zijn privé.
SP is van begin af aan tegen deze wet. Vandaag debat"
Vandaag vergadering commissie Financiën Tweede Kamer over #PSD2 #openfinance en verder over de afschaffing van contant geld en over de weigering van banken om bankrekeningen te verschaffen #financielegrondrechten
#financielegrondrechten #openfinance #psd2
Super frustrated about the fact that Belgian banks are never supported by third party apps like YNAB.
#challengeaccepted #psd2 #ynab