Au soir des élections européennes plus important est que les partis de gauche est plus de députés que le bloc libéral et l’extrême droite ! #pse 🌹
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
53,6% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 33,25%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,15%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,21%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,62%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 7,14%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 3,81%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,4%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
5,71% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 32,37%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,62%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,38%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,8%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,84%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 4,18%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,46%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
1,26% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 32,88%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,2%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,25%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,56%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,59%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 4,68%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,34%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
0,29% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 33,49%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 22,77%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,14%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,33%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,71%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 5,6%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
0,17% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 35,56%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 21,64%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,14%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 15,78%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,34%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 5,67%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,4%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #topic #psc #psp #cd #zurita #mc25 #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
Highlights from the latest round of librarian bargaining at #UWO
- the Employer refuses to commit to provide every librarian with an office.
- the Employer continues to resist ensuring that workload not be impacted by loss of personnel
- the Employer also refuses to any language that would improve the librarian/student ratio.
#UWO #onpse #pse #highered #librarians #labour
#PSE: How about thanking maintainers of #FOSS #openSource software you rely on for their work from time to time.
✨ Thank you @xfce for being an awesome DE.
✨Thank you @manjarolinux @ManjaroARM #SailfishOS @archlinux for being awesome OSs.
✨ Thank you @joeyh for :gitannex: #gitAnnex, it's a marvelous tool for file syncing and management.
✨Thank you @simonmic for #hledger #plainTextAccounting, it's very dependable and flexible.
#pse #foss #opensource #sailfishos #gitannex #hledger #plaintextaccounting
Tuition =$0. Surtax taxable income for people with #PSE!! Surtax would only be substantial if person has substantial taxable income. The surtax goes directly support PSE. @JustinTrudeau @RachelNotley @albertaNDP @ULethSU @uLethbridge
This is an excellent thread by Paul Cantrell (@inthehands) about the underappreciated value of a liberal arts education. #pse #cdnpse #LiberalArts #education
#education #liberalarts #cdnpse #pse
Okay, so we know now for quite a while that rich people emit a mind-boggling amount of CO2eq per person compared to the low income ranges.
These (rich) people are very, very free. They can choose to do or not to do things.
So now the question is: So, how come - in their freedom - they behave irresponsibly, nay, 10...1000+ times more irresponsibly than those with low income?
I think the reason is that in #neoliberalism individual responsibility (#FDP's god #Eigenverantwortung) does never contain self-restraint.
If there is no self-restraint, however, the restraint has to come from somewhere else. And this is essentially the conflict line here: We need to curb affluence because affluent people do not restrain themselves.
Does this solve climate change? Of course not. It's just one of the many puzzle pieces. Does it reduce inequality? Hell yeah!
Sounds a lot like it should be a socialist/social democratic core idea. #spd #pse
#neoliberalism #fdp #eigenverantwortung #spd #pse
Intriguing. But my first thought is that giving a monopoly a majority interest in new #renewables is neither the best nor the only solution to coordinating electricity delivery.
#PSE pushes to control new #renewable energy projects in #Washington
#renewables #pse #renewable #washington
Ds le grpe #Cémoi, la bataille de FO pr les #emplois.
Cémoi annonce la fermeture de l’usine de Molsheim ainsi que des suppress° de postes au service commercial. 55 emplois disparaîtraient. Les négociat° du #PSE vont débuter & FO montre déjà sa vigilance.
Ds le grpe #Cémoi, la bataille de FO pr les #emplois.
Cémoi annonce la fermeture de l’usine de Molsheim ainsi que des suppress° de postes au service commercial. 55 emplois disparaîtraient. Les négociat° du #PSE vont débuter & FO montre déjà sa vigilance.
Odón Elorza dimite como diputado tras sus discrepancias con la dirección del PSOE #PSE-PartidoSocialistadeEuskadi #OdónElorza #Euskadi
Monde Nissin, the makers of LuckyMe instant noodles and Skyflakes crackers, now owns 15 percent of the Figaro Coffee Group, a company that also operates Angel's Pizza and Tien Ma's in the Philippines.
#Stocks #PhStocks #Philippines #Asia #ASEAN #MONDE #FCG #PSE #News #Investments
#stocks #phstocks #philippines #asia #asean #monde #fcg #pse #news #investments
Fallece Rodolfo Ares, exconsejero vasco de Interior y factótum del socialismo de Euskadi Iker Rioja Andueza #PSE-PartidoSocialistadeEuskadi #RodolfoAres #Euskadi
Pro-tip for students returning back to school this week: find yourself a cobbler/tailor, and get your backpack/satchel double stitched.
Did this in year three of my undergrad.
I wish I did it *years* sooner. It was a life changer and extended the life of my bags by years.
#student #pse #education #unsolicitedadvice
#Canada #InnovationFail #Governments #Federal #Provincial have undercut #PSE #innovation for decades. @CanadianPM @albertaNDP @cafreeland @ABDanielleSmith @RachelNotley @MayorHyggen @CAUT_ACPPU #USA #Science #Engineering #Health #research #Budgets >>>
#canada #innovationfail #governments #federal #provincial #pse #innovation #usa #science #engineering #health #research #budgets
The attack on electrical substations near Tacoma, WA in December were by two morons who wanted to cut the power to a local business so that they could ... steal from the cash register. They did $3 million in damage. Brilliant lads.
#PSE #PowerGrid #domesticterrorism
#pse #powergrid #domesticterrorism