Even this show isn't #safe from #programing #pseudo #nonsense
"#Copied the #SourceCode
What is this #javascript ?
? Wat.
#safe #programing #pseudo #nonsense #copied #sourcecode #javascript
Heroic librarians accepting personal loss to stand against “egregious,” cowardly legislators. The rarity of those willing to stand against fascist idealisms.
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #cowardice #librarians #bravery #standingup #pseudo #fascists #environment #books #writingcommunity https://www.huffpost.com/entry/librarian-fired-wyoming-books_n_64da5ab9e4b08e55c4cd8325
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #cowardice #librarians #bravery #standingup #pseudo #fascists #environment #books #writingcommunity
Excellent example of how science will often minimalize and enable further destruction and deaths. Understatements: “likely” climate change “is a thumb on the scale” of cause.
Beware of ‘money-enabled and politically cautious science.’
#StitchedInkMedia #Politics #Wildfires #Enablement #Deaths #Money #Science #Pseudo #Nature #Destruction #World #ClimateChange #Likely #Energy #Accountability
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #wildfires #enablement #deaths #money #science #pseudo #nature #destruction #world #climatechange #likely #energy #accountability
sounds like filing this with reportbug against some #pseudo package for the release team
I'm sure some fine #debian can help giving pointers (especially if it results in filed bugs 🙌 )
Maybe some element of the set of
@highvoltage @gregoa_ @agx @coucouf @stefan
can help you more with your issue 🍥
Full Bucket Music FB-7999 v1.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]
#Amp #AU #CLAP #delay #Digital #Export #free #FullBucketMusic #Korg #MacOS #MIDI #music #Pseudo #Stereo #SysEX #Text #Unison #Voices #VST #VST3 #Waveforms #Windows #x64 #x86
#amp #au #clap #delay #digital #export #free #fullbucketmusic #korg #macOS #midi #music #pseudo #stereo #sysex #text #unison #voices #vst #vst3 #waveforms #windows #x64 #x86
Full Bucket Music Fury-800 v2.4.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]
#additive #Amp #AU #Chord #chorus #CLAP #effect #free #FullBucketMusic #Korg #limited #lowpass #MacOS #MIDI #music #Poly800 #polyphonic #Pseudo #Sequencer #Stereo #Synthesizer #Text #Velocity #Voices #VST #VST3 #Waveforms #Windows #x64 #x86
#additive #amp #au #chord #chorus #clap #effect #free #fullbucketmusic #korg #limited #lowpass #macOS #midi #music #poly800 #polyphonic #pseudo #sequencer #stereo #synthesizer #text #velocity #voices #vst #vst3 #waveforms #windows #x64 #x86
Oui c'est couillon, mais je cherche à rajouter un émoji à mon pseudo.
J'ai ajouté :fr: pour 🇫🇷 mais ça marche pô.
Mais ça marche avec :mastodon:
Une idée ?
@f800gecko I call #BCFerries #BCHydro #RoyalBCMuseum #ICBC as all #Pseudo #government #corporations because all of the above ARE. None of these entities survive without huge govt #subsidies that taxpayers fund.
If these so called corporations are really private - why the fuck do taxpayers fund mass subsidies for all the above named? It's because #BCgovernment depends on #undereducated & #unaware #citizens to keep on fucking us all over. #Demand #BCNDP #transparency & don't buy politician lies.
#BCFerries #bchydro #RoyalBCMuseum #icbc #pseudo #government #corporations #subsidies #bcgovernment #undereducated #unaware #citizens #demand #bcndp #transparency
Les pseudo-trotskystes en renfort des bureaucraties
La direction de la CGT est aujourd’hui l’agence du capitalisme impérialiste français. (Trotsky, Les Syndicats à l’époque de la décadence impérialiste, 1940, OCI, p. 30)
Les bureaucraties syndicales s’opposent plus que jamai
#centristes #CGT #CR #grèvesreconductibles #intersyndicale #journéed'action #LO #NPA #pseudo-trotskystes #retraites #RP
#rp #retraites #pseudo #npa #lo #journeed #intersyndicale #grevesreconductibles #cr #cgt #centristes
Rapport international présenté à la 7e Conférence du GMI
Une situation économique mondiale incertaine
Les dernières projections de la Banque
#AUKUS #banquecentrale #Chine #CR #croissance #dépensesmilitaires #Etats-Unis #impérialisme #Iran #israel #monde #OTAN #PCL #Pérou #protectionnisme #pseudo-trotskystes #Royaume-Uni #semi-conducteurs #SriLanka #Taïwan #tauxd'intérêt #Ukraine
#ukraine #tauxd #taiwan #srilanka #semi #royaume #pseudo #protectionnisme #perou #pcl #otan #monde #israel #iran #imperialisme #etats #depensesmilitaires #croissance #cr #chine #banquecentrale #AUKUS
I have written an article titled “Defining the Most Generalized, Natural Extension of the Expected Value”. The keywords are #Prevalence, #Expected Value, #Uniform Measure, #Measure theory, #Uniform Cover, #Entropy, #Sample, #Linear, #Superlinear, #Choice Function, #Bernard's Paradox, #Pseudo-random
Note that I’m an undergrad (the paper I’ve written might not be rigorous and is far from perfect); however, I did the best I could.
Be sure to click this link:
#pseudo #bernard #choice #superlinear #linear #sample #entropy #measure #uniform #expected #prevalence
Polyverse Music Infected Mushroom Wider v1.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]
#AAX #AU #bass #choir #clean #DEMO #Dynamics #effect #Effects #electronic #expansion #experimental #free #MacOS #Mono #mp3 #music #PolyverseMusic #Power #Pseudo #space #Stereo #VST #VST3 #wider #Windows #x64 #x86
#aax #au #bass #choir #clean #demo #dynamics #effect #effects #electronic #expansion #experimental #free #macOS #mono #mp3 #music #polyversemusic #power #pseudo #space #stereo #vst #vst3 #wider #windows #x64 #x86
花守ゆみり「猫カフェで開運!& 妄想疑似デート」あんハピ♪ Anne Happy “Good Luck at a Cat Cafe! & Pseudo Daydream Date” https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1671117/voice-actress/
#ANNE #Cafe #cat #date #DAYDREAM #GOOD #happy #Luck #Pseudo #Vlog #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #妄想疑似デートあんハピ #花守ゆみり #花守ゆみり猫カフェで開運
#anne #cafe #cat #date #daydream #good #happy #luck #pseudo #vlog #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #妄想疑似デートあんハピ #花守ゆみり #花守ゆみり猫カフェで開運
Kotaku: I Played The Next Promising Soulslike So You Don’t Have To https://kotaku.com/clash-artifacts-chaos-review-buggy-soulslike-zeno-ace-1850213994 #gaming #tech #kotaku #earthwormjim #pseudo #clash #sifu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #earthwormjim #pseudo #clash #sifu
gibts da mal ne änderung ? in der nahen zukunft ?
hallo behörden ?
gleiches wie weichmacher etc. in plastik ,, dann wirds in den ozean gekippt o.ä.
#nachhaltigkeit #okologie #pseudo #unglaublich #PFAS
#Kremlin’s use of #bots & #trolls 2 #manipulate recommendation #algorithms of #SocialMedia platforms is well-documented by many journalists & researchers. However pro-Kremlin manipulation of #SearchEngine #algorithms has rarely been explored. We examine pro-Kremlin attempts 2 #manipulate search engine results by comparing #backlink & #keyphrase networks of US, European, & Russian #ThinkTanks, as well as Kremlin-linked #pseudo think tanks that target #Western #audiences. https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/search-engine-manipulation-to-spread-pro-kremlin-propaganda/
#Kremlin #bots #trolls #manipulate #algorithms #socialmedia #searchengine #backlink #keyphrase #thinktanks #pseudo #western #audiences
People like that Matt Walsh and his #pseudoscience #pseudo documentary chafe me in my sit-upon so much that they honestly push out such works of quackery in the vain attempt to cover up and even feed his unhealthy obsession with minors and their body parts. This may be old, but I see this rhetoric ongoing, regardless who says it, being thrown around even in my #work and this is the true illness. #sexism
#pseudoscience #pseudo #work #sexism