Nice little op shop score today. You don't see Velikovsky around much anymore. And check out that cute little Thoth sticker from the bookshop that I found inside!
#Velikovsky #ImmanuelVelikovsky #PseudoArcheology #ThriftStoreFinds #SecondHandBooks
#velikovsky #immanuelvelikovsky #pseudoarcheology #thriftstorefinds #secondhandbooks
“#atlantis and the Apocalypse: The World of #Fringe Archaeology”
This #CBC Radio One doc on #pseudoarcheology is worth your time, not just for the specific ideas covered, but for underlining the multidisciplinary needs of #skepticism and #disinformation / #extremism research. Wanna understand white supremacy? Atlantis is part of that story. So is the New Age, space aliens, claims about the pyramids, the paranormal infotainment industry, and so on…
#atlantis #fringe #cbc #pseudoarcheology #skepticism #disinformation #extremism
For even more on this from LTAMB (she did a whole month's worth!) here's another collection from the archives squished into one. And if all this captured your interest, she tackled Sparta and how that is also misrepresented by the far right just last month. Well worth catching up on.
#pseudoarcheology #farrightmyths #sparta #atlantis
Seen the Netflix show Ancient Apocalypse? Heard others talk about it? Want to know what really happened? And why the far right is so interested in misrepresenting the truth? I can recommend Let's Talk About Myths, Baby. Yes, it's long, it's several episodes squished together, so you can either take breaks or find the original individual episodes from January 2022.
#Atlantis #FarRightMyths
#pseudoarcheology #farrightmyths #atlantis
As if #Pseudoarcheology and #Cryptozoology weren’t enough #Pseudoscience ol’ Mark A. Hall also engaged in some #SpookyGeology . What can be more spooky than the last Ice Age being caused by North America actually moving to the North Pole? I don’t even… and he also ties this… this… to the presence of his various Bigfoot species (yes, multiple) worldwide! It’s all there in Wonders 4(2)*
* May result in psychic damage.
#MarkAHalliverse (10/?)
#pseudoarcheology #cryptozoology #pseudoscience #spookygeology #markahalliverse
The Archives For The Unexplained currently has the entire run of #MarkAHall ‘s #Cryptozoology (and occasionally #Pseudoarcheology ) #zine #WONDERS — a publication as obscure as it is funky. It contains perhaps the most outrageous claims ever made for strictly flesh-and-blood Cryptozoology…
#markahall #cryptozoology #pseudoarcheology #zine #wonders
I've always had a soft spot for some of Graham Hancock's theories, especially that we might not know all there is about the end of the last ice age, and what was lost back then.
So I watched Ancient Apocalypse, and I'm expectedly disappointed over the constant "what ifs" without any real evidence (channeling Ancient Aliens) and shocked by the inclusion of Joe Rogan, a man with no credibility on anything, as a "side kick".
#history #pseudohistory #pseudoarcheology
"Netflix labels Ancient Apocalypse a docuseries. IMDB calls it a documentary. It’s neither. It’s an eight-part conspiracy theory that weaponises dramatic rhetoric against scholars."
My piece in The Conversation arguing for real #archaeology, not #pseudoarcheology
#archaeology #pseudoarcheology
Just in case my tweet didn't make it over here.
I will be live tweeting and tooting about the Graham Hancock show tomorrow night. Just an FYI to people, I know it can get annoying sometimes to have 20 messages from one person in your feed.
That said, I must advocate for people to not back away from or disengage from challenging #pseudoscience and #pseudoarcheology. Ignoring it and hoping it goes away doesn't help. It actually makes these situation worse, because people can't find dissenting opinions against shows like this easily. And since they can't find a dissenting opinion they go with the one that's being shoved down their throats. Which is why people watch shows like this tend to come away with quite a bit of misinformation.
Carl Sagan literally warned us about this kind of behavior, that if we don't confront misinformation and such when it is presented, then we open the door for charlatans to take over the conversation about #science and reality.
So again, I get if you don't want to be annoyed by my posts. But don't think turning away is going to solve the problem either.
#pseudoscience #pseudoarcheology #science