Hi #PowerShell folks
I published an fix of my #PsNetTools on PowerShell Gallery, there was a typo in Get-PsNetHostsTable.
I changed the wrong property-name Compuername to ComputerName. Please update the Module to v0.7.73 with 'Update-Module -Name PsNetTools' or install it from https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PsNetTools/0.7.73.
Send this message to multiple messenger with #PowerShell and #PSOctomes.
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Finally, I send this message to multiple messenger with #PowerShell and #PSOctomes.
Hey #PowerShell folks.
I talk (in german) about my GitHub-Project #PSXiDiag at the #PSUGBDE.
See you at 25. Jan. 2023 19:00 CET on https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/psugbde/events/290191405/
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