Well, looks like we know who isn't getting a Christmas card from #PSOklahoma this year.
Hi there, #Tulsa. We got to just 64,000 customers still without electricity and decided, you know what? We're not going to show you who still doesn't have power anymore. So we took the outage map down. #ThankALinesman #PSOklahoma #Accountability
#Tulsa #thankalinesman #psoklahoma #accountability
Hi, #Tulsa! At #PSOklahoma, we're not just your electric company, we're the electric company. Sorry!
155,629 #PSOklahoma customers without power out of 191,000 people without power across Oklahoma.
It's good to be number 1!
Hello #Oklahoma! We here at #PSOklahoma would like to thank you for your commitment to our profits. While you sit in the hot dark during some of the hottest weather all year, we're pocketing years of savings created by not investing in damage prevention.
By the way, your bill is still due on the 25th whether your electric works or not.
Well, this isn't fair, we want a rate increase, too! #PSOklahoma #Greed
Hey, #Oklahoma! We used that money from last winter's rate hike to pay an advertising firm to give us a fake award! Hooray for #PSOklahoma!
Please stop shooting our transformers, it's getting expensive and you're not stopping anything but air conditioning and traffic.
Also leave transgenered people alone, too. #PSOklahoma #TDOV
People have been asking #PSOklahoma why the "cost for fuel for power" line item on their bill is higher than the "electric service" line item on their bill.
Fuck you. That's why.
#MerryChristmas from your family to #PSOklahoma! Your electric bill is due today.
Third 5 followers to boost wins a coupon good for 20% off the first $50 of any purchase of a home generator system priced at $7500 or more from @IndustrialSystems when you buy a #PSOklahoma controlled thermostat from @headless .
Good luck!
Stay updated as winter weather moves across #PSOklahoma! Check your local forecast, monitor road conditions and pay your bill with the PSO app.
You can probably do other things with it, too, like report an outage, but we don't regularly check that.
Heads up, #PSOklahoma customers! We're scheduling winterization maintenance across our network from 9:30AM Thursday through noon on Saturday. You should expect your power to be off during this time.
We would like to extend a heartfelt #ThankYou to @Raspberry_Pi. Thanks to you, #PSOklahoma is now the *second* most hated company in #Oklahoma!
#thankyou #psoklahoma #Oklahoma
We are thankful for the communities we grotesquely overcharge and for all members of the PSO family we criminally underpay. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍂🥧 #PSOklahoma
#FullDisclosure: We just asked the Corporation Commission for a massive rate hike by 2024 to protect our disturbingly large profits while buying new wind farms.
Great news, #Oklahoma! We're rolling out a #FuelFreePowerPlan to make our electricity 100% renewable by 3308!
#Oklahoma #fuelfreepowerplan #renewableenergy #psoklahoma
We're the Public Service Company of Oklahoma, a private company based in Ohio, your local electrical utility in Green Country, Choctaw Country and Great Plains Country.
When you go with PSO, you won't like it, and you have no other option!
#introductions #psoklahoma #Oklahoma
Stay updated as winter weather moves across #PSOklahoma! Check your local forecast, monitor road conditions and pay your bill with the PSO app.
You can probably do other things with it, too, like report an outage, but we don't regularly check that.