I'm happy to announce the release of league/uri v7 . Please head to the documentation website to see what's new and what has changed.
The goal was to make the packages easier to install, use and abuse. Hope you like it
https://uri.thephpleague.com/ #php #url #uri #psr7 #thephpleague
I will try to share some notes on the new features and the new approach to the packages
#php #url #uri #psr7 #thephpleague
#PSR7 just got 2 new tags! The evolution vote passed, and we got:
1.1 with argument types
2.0 with return types
Both require PHP 7.2; more details available in the PSR meta doc, section 7.2, "Type additions": https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/meta/#72-type-additions
Do you use #psr7 in #php? I've finally opened the PSR Evolution vote to add parameter and return type declarations:
Two week comment period, hopefully followed by a vote. Would love feedback; my review of the proposed patches looks very promising so far!
✨ I'm happy to announce the 1st #release of openmetrics-php/exposition-text v0.1.0 - A #PHP implementation of the text exposition format of @OpenMetricsIO@twitter.com - It Ships with a #PSR7 response for easy app integration.Would 🧡 to get some feedback! #prometheus https://github.com/openmetrics-php/exposition-text
#release #php #psr7 #prometheus