What if your #readline shipped with Copilot?
I'm still not sure if this is something I need or not, but I got Microsoft's CodexCLI working (again), just so I could show it off.
This is how I want github #copilot CLI to integrate.
I *do* like the explanations the current Copilot CLI gives, but I want this in the readline because I want to be able to edit the command I get back.
#PowerShell #Bash #Zsh #PSReadline
P.S. My working fork is at https://github.com/Jaykul/ReadlineAI
#readline #copilot #powershell #bash #zsh #psreadline
#PowerShell History und Vorschläge nutzen mit #PSReadLine https://blog.itwelt.org/powershell-history-und-vorschlaege-nutzen-mit-psreadline/
@jamie @otterkring for what it's worth, I did convert it into something that worked for me.
So I now have a function you can use in #PowerShell to syntax highlight arbitrary code roughly the way #PSReadLine does it:
6/ #PSReadLine, #PoshGit, & #ohmyposh, as nice as they are, leave a lot to be desired when it comes to autocompletion / tab completion. Sure, I could manually reimplement all the niceties of #ohmyzsh, but that’s significantly more work than I’m interested in doing. #moa
#psreadline #poshgit #OhMyPosh #ohmyzsh #moa
4/ I have a pretty good #PSReadLine setup that makes ssh’ing as easy as on #Linux with #ohmyzsh. #moa
#psreadline #linux #ohmyzsh #moa